
Articles Posted in Broker Fraud


When Failure To Supervise Requires a Broker Fraud Attorney

When Failure To Supervise Enables Broker Fraud Texas Retirees Whose Financial Advisor Stole Their Savings File FINRA Arbitration Claim Against Planmember Securities  As their customer, your broker-dealer has a fiduciary duty to properly supervise your accounts and your financial advisor’s activities when working with you. Unfortunately, failure to supervise these…


What is Breach of Fiduciary Duty by a Stockbroker?

When Your Financial Advisor Fails To Act In Your Best Interests Your registered broker-dealer owes you a fiduciary obligation to act in your best interests. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Instead, your financial advisor might have unsuitably recommended an investment or trading strategy that was too risky for your risk…


Did Your Broker Recommend You Invest In The Deeproot Funds?

You May Be The Victim of a $58M Ponzi Scam More than one year after the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed a civil lawsuit against deeproot Funds and its owner Robert J. Mueller accusing them of running an alleged $58M Ponzi Scam that defrauded nearly 300 investors, these…


Ex-Transamerica Financial Advisors Broker Scott Allen Fries Ordered To Pay Over $747K For Allegedly Defrauding Investors

SEC Obtains Default Judgment Against Former Cincinnati, Ohio Registered Representative  The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has obtained a default judgment against Scott Allen Fries. He was a Transamerica Financial Advisors registered representative from 2014 to 2019.  The regulator’s amended complaint accuses the former broker and investment advisor of raising…


FINRA Suspends Ex-Stifel Nicolaus Broker Andrew Elsoffer for Two Years

Ohio Financial Advisor Andrew Elsoffer Named in Multiple Customer Disputes Andrew Bruce Elsoffer, who Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. fired in 2018, is suspended by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) for two years, beginning March 7, 2022. The suspension comes in the wake of customer allegations that he exercised discretion…


Former UBS Broker German Nino Allegedly Stole $5.8M From Client

Ex-UBS Financial Services Advisor Faces SEC and Criminal Charges German Nino, a former UBS Financial Services (UBS) broker and investment advisor, is accused of stealing $5.8M from a customer. Nino, who left the broker-dealer in 2020, is now facing related civil charges brought by the US Securities and Exchange Commission…


Ex-Western International Securities Broker Megurditch Patatian Allegedly Unsuitably Recommended Non-Traded REITs to Investors

FINRA Claims Former Financial Advisor Also Cost Investors Over Variable Annuities  The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has filed a complaint accusing ex-Western International Securities registered representative Megurditch Mike Patatian of unsuitably recommending to 59 customers that they purchase non-traded real estate investment trusts (non-traded REITs). According to the self-regulatory…


Former Worden Capital Broker Allan Montalbano Faces $543K Unsuitability Case For Broker Negligence

Ex-New York Financial Advisor Has 15 Customer Disputes on BrokerCheck   If you suffered investment losses while working with ex-Worden Capital Management stockbroker Allan Perry Montalbano, contact our New York financial advisor misconduct attorneys at Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas (SSEK Law Firm at Montalbano, who is no longer a…


Customers of Western International Securities Broker Peter Steege Allege Unsuitability

Denver, Colorado Financial Advisor Has 21 Disclosures on BrokerCheck  If you suffered losses while working with Western International Securities registered investment advisor Peter Benedict Steege, our Denver, Colorado broker misconduct lawyers want to speak with you. Steege, who has been with this firm for 19 years, has 21 disclosures listed…


Sin Respuestas De La Corte En Cuanto al Reembolso de Activos – Representantes de Cada Clase de Inversionistas Serán Nombrados En Los Procedimientos de Liquidación de Northstar Financial Services (Islas Bermudas)

Determinación Similar Hecha en Procedimientos de Liquidación de Old Mutual (Islas Bermudas)  El juez presidente de Islas Bermudas, Narinder Hargun y los Liquidadores Provisionales Conjuntos (LPCs) están de acuerdo en que sean nombrados representantes para toda clase de acreedores en los procedimientos de liquidación tanto para Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda)…

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