A recent New York Times article reports that according to new data, federal officials are prosecuting far fewer cases involving fraudulent stock scams than they did in 2000 before the Bush Administration came into office. According to financial and legal experts, less strict enforcement polices, Securities and Exchange Commission staff…
Articles Posted in SEC Enforcement
SEC Failed in Its Oversight of Bear Stearns, Says Inspector General
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of the Inspector General says the agency failed to fulfill its mission in the oversight of Bear Stearns. Inspector General David Kotz says not only did the SEC neglect to order the company to cut back on risk taking, but it missed possible “red…
Securities and Exchange Commission Sues Five World Group Securities Brokers For Persuading Clients to Refinance Homes With Subprime Mortgages
This month, the US Securities and Exchange Commission filed a civil lawsuit against five World Group Securities brokers for allegedly pushing investors into refinancing their homes with subprime mortgages. The SEC is accusing the mortgage brokers of taking advantage of the clients’ lack of education, modest financial means, and poor…
2004 SEC Vote that Changed Net Capital Rule May Have Played a Role in Current FInancial Crisis
A recent New York Times article about the current US financial crisis refers to an April 28, 2004 meeting involving members of the Securities and Exchange Commission. During the meeting, the SEC members considered an urgent request made by large investment banks for an exemption from an old regulation limiting…
SEC Issues “ComplianceAlert Letter” Citing Common Weaknesses and Deficiencies of Registered Firms
The Securities and Exchange Commission has issued a staff letter reporting on the “common weaknesses and deficiencies” shared by SEC-registered companies. The findings were based on examinations given to the firms. The “ComplianceAlert Letter” is intended to provide key information, encourage compliance officer to address these issues, and foster “robust…
SEC Director Says Deploying Enforcement Resources Continues to Be A Challenge
At the 28th Annual Ray Garrett Jr. Corporate and Securities Law Institute, Securities and Exchange Commission’s Chicago Regional Office Director Merri Jo Gillette told lawyers that the challenges of maintaining and deploying enforcement resources continues for the SEC. Gillette says that the fiscal challenges brought about by the flailing US…
vFinance Investment Inc. is Slapped with SEC Charges for Failing to Retain E-Records
The Securities and Exchange Commisison is charging vFinance Investment Inc., its President Richard Campanella, and former New Jersey Branch Manager Nicholas Thompson for failing to keep records and show them to Commission staff. The SEC’s need for the e-records stemmed from possible securities fraud involving a company that vFinance is…
SEC Enforcement Director Highlights Agency’s Efforts To Eliminate Fraud Targeting Senior Investors
The Securities and Exchange Commission says that it has brought about over 45 enforcement actions involving scams targeting senior investors in the past two years. At the ALI-ABA Life Insurance Company Products Conference earlier this month, SEC Enforcement Director Linda Thomsen talked about the agency’s efforts to fight fraud against…
MetLife Securities Broker Charged with Stealing from 9/11 Victim’s Widow
The Securities and Exchange Commission and U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York have filed cases accusing a former MetLife employee of what is perhaps a new low in securities fraud: Misappropriation of funds from the widow of a victim of the September 11 terrorist attack on the…
Oppenheimer, Morgan Stanley, Nomura Securities, and A.G. Edwards Traders Face SEC Charges of Stealing Stock Loan Kickbacks Worth $12 Million Plus
38 stock loan traders from A.G. Edwards, Morgan Stanley, Oppenheimer, and Nomura Securities are accused of stealing over $12 Million in stock loan kickbacks from their Wall Street firms. The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged the employees with the more than $12 million theft. The SEC says that from…