
Financial Advisor Fraud

How To Sue Your Stockbroker For Financial Advisor Fraud

Contact Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Today For Your Free Consultation 

Going after your broker-dealer and their registered investment adviser for stockbroker fraud that caused you portfolio losses can be a daunting task. It is one of the many reasons you should contact Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( to schedule a no obligation, initial case assessment. One of our seasoned financial advisor misconduct attorneys can help you determine whether you have grounds for filing a lawsuit for damages.

A Few Common Reasons For Seeking Financial Recovery From Your Broker

These allegations can be hard to prove, and this is not the type of legal claim that you should pursue without knowledgeable broker fraud lawyers representing you. It also is strongly recommended that you NOT try to resolve this kind of dispute directly with your financial advisor as the likelihood that they will admit to making mistakes or engaging in wrongdoing are very slim to none.

One thing that you can do is to go to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)’s website and file a formal complaint naming your brokerage firm and/or broker and reporting your concerns. However, this is not the same as suing your broker-dealer for damages.

You should know that when you agreed to work with your financial advisor, you likely signed a mandatory arbitration clause. This means that you cannot sue them in court. You can, however, file a FINRA lawsuit—in this case a FINRA arbitration claim. This arbitration forum is where investors can bring such disagreements with broker-dealers.

To do this you will have to prepare a statement of claim that details in writing the specifics of your case. A skilled FINRA lawyer will know how to build a solid complaint that makes the argument for why you should receive compensation for your losses. This will likely include helping you identify the key documents and other evidence you need, as well as bringing in the necessary witnesses and experts to build the strongest lawsuit possible for you.

While many disputes are resolved with a settlement by mutual agreement—again, a process in which you want to make sure you have an experienced FINRA law firm negotiating for you—there are claims that do make it to the arbitration hearing phase.

For over 30 year, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas has represented retail investors, retirees, accredited investors, seniors, high-net-worth individual investors, ultra-high-net-worth individual investors, and institutional investors in arbitration, mediation, and litigation. We are very familiar with the FINRA arbitration hearing process and what strategies are needed to give you the best chance possible for success.

Through our hard work and the quality securities representation we have provided clients over the decades, more than 90% of them have received full or partial financial recovery. That equates to thousands of investors collectively recovering many millions of dollars because of our commitment, dedication, and savvy.

How To Contact Our Trusted Broker Fraud Law Firm
Call (800) 259-9010 or fill out our online form.








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