
New York Elder Financial Abuse Lawyers

Our New York Elder Financial Abuse Lawyers Represent Older Investors and Their Families Who Have Broker Fraud Claims

Elder financial abuse is a crime that involves a perpetrator stealing money or assets from an older person. It is often committed by someone that the victim knows, such as a relative, a close friend, a caretaker, or a trusted professional. At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( we represent elderly New York investors and their families who have been the victims of broker misconduct or negligence. In the most egregious instances, this can involve deliberate elder financial exploitation.

Older seniors are one of the most vulnerable groups when it comes to financial abuse. By this point in life, many elderly investors will have accrued a nest egg after years of hard work. This means that they have money for bad brokers to misappropriate. Not only that, but as a person ages, they may develop memory problems or decreased mental function, including Alzheimer’s or dementia, and this can make it easier to take advantage of them.

Our Buffalo, NY elder financial abuse attorneys understand how life-altering it can be for older investors to lose their savings that they depend on to pay their bills and cover critical medical care. We know how to spot the signs of this type of stockbroker fraud and how to hold offenders accountable.

I’m A Family Member. How Do I Know Whether My Older Relative Is Being Defrauded? 

If you are a loved one who is worried about an elderly family member, possible signs of financial exploitation by a stockbroker or investment adviser:

  • Unexplained withdrawals or money transfers from their accounts.
  • The financial advisor has obtained power of attorney over your older relative’s finances.
  • The broker has gone AWOL or is generally unreachable when you try to get a hold of them.
  • The investment adviser engaged in high-pressure sales tactics to get your loved one to invest.
  • The financial professional was aware that your elderly loved one suffers from cognitive issues yet decided they had the ability to consent to the risky investing strategy they recommended.
  • Brokerage account statements show questionable transactions, unauthorized or excessive trades, or returns that appear suspect.
  • The financial advisor was running a Ponzi scam or involved your loved one in some other type of investment scheme.

Brokers who aren’t seeking to defraud an elderly investor can still end up doing that by engaging in various kinds of misconduct or negligence that can lead to devastating portfolio losses. This might include making unsuitable investment recommendations, misrepresentations and omissions about certain material information or the true risks, overconcentrating a senior investor’s account in a high-risk, complex financial product or investment type, or committing due diligence failures, including gross negligence.

If you suspect elder financial abuse by a broker, you should notify regulators and the authorities right away. However, regulatory and criminal proceedings won’t necessarily lead to financial recovery. This is why you should contact our New York senior financial exploitation law firm so that we can help you explore your legal options.

Fighting For Older NY Investors and Their Loved Ones Against Broker-Dealers For Over 30 Years

At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas, we understand the devastating toll that elder financial abuse can take and we are zealous when it comes to helping make victims of broker fraud financially whole again. We have represented seniors and other retail investors in more than 1000 matters, and we have the skills, knowledge, and experience to go after even the largest Wall Street firms, as well as regional brokers-dealers and small financial firms throughout the United States.

We offer quality securities law representation and personalized attention. Should we decide to work together, you won’t just have one Buffalo, NY elder financial abuse by a broker attorney by your side. All of our seasoned securities lawyers and other key team members will be fighting for you.

Over the decades, we have collectively recovered many millions of dollars for investors through arbitration, mediation, and litigation.

How To Contact Our Trusted New York Elder Financial Abuse By A Broker Attorneys 

To schedule your free, no-obligation case assessment:

Call (716) 261-3529 or (800) 259-9010 or fill out this form.

Our Buffalo Securities Law Firm 

Sheridan Meadows Corporate Park South
6225 Sheridan Dr #308-B
Buffalo, NY 14221

*This type of senior financial exploitation affects many thousands every year. To help elderly persons and their families take preemptive measures, we have partnered with the elder law, estate planning, and long-term care attorneys at McCulloch & Miller

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