
Investor Lawyers Blog


Broker Negligence Attorneys

What Are Some Red Flags In Brokerage Account Statements That May Indicate Possible Investment Fraud?  Our Skilled Broker Negligence Attorneys Can Help Assess Whether You Have Grounds For A Securities Lawsuit It can be hard to know for certain whether you have been the victim of broker misconduct or negligence. This…


Bond Loss Attorneys

As Creditors GWG Holdings of Running A $1.6B Ponzi Scam, Investors Continue To File Broker Fraud Lawsuits Our Trusted Bond Loss Attorneys Are Helping Retirees, Older Investors, and Others Pursue Financial Recovery Nearly one year after GWG Holdings, Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the allegations that the company was…


REIT Loss Lawyers

Why Exploring Your Legal Options With Trusted Non-Traded REIT Loss Lawyers Matters Retiree Sues Securities America For Unsuitably Recommending Griffin Realty Trust For some time now, investors of Griffin Realty Trust (formerly called Griffin Capital Essential Asset REIT) have been reporting significant investment losses. Matters weren’t helped much when in October 2021,…


Denver FINRA Attorneys

Representing Colorado Investors In Their Securities Fraud Lawsuits Against Brokerage Firms With our securities law office conveniently located in Denver’s North Capitol Hill close to the Central Business District, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( represent investors throughout the region in their FINRA arbitration claims against the brokerage firms and…


Annuity Investment Loss Lawyers

Colorado Bankers Life Insurance Annuity Investors May Be Able To File Broker Fraud Lawsuits Owner Greg Lindberg Faces More Criminal Charges Our annuity investment loss lawyers are continuing to help investors pursue damages from the brokerage firms that allegedly unsuitably recommended and sold them annuities issued by Colorado Bankers Life Insurance Company. The insurer,…


REIT Broker-Dealer Negligence Lawyers

When Brokers Allegedly Unsuitably Recommend Non-Traded REITs To Investors Our Broker-Dealer Negligence Lawyers Are Investigating Potential Pacific Oak Strategy Opportunity REIT Losses Placing your trust in a broker to properly handle your funds is a big decision. You are relying on a financial professional to take care of your money…


Broker Fraud Attorneys

What Questions Should You Ask A Broker You Are Considering Working With? Investing your money is always a risk, which is why many people turn to stockbrokers and investment advisers for help. They want experienced financial professionals to handle their funds properly and allocate their assets wisely. While in an…


Tax Return Loss Investment Law Firm

When Broker Misconduct Leads To Tax Return Losses Our Skilled Investor Loss Lawyers Work With CPAs and Investors in Pursuing Financial Recovery Many people don’t realize that investing can impact them tax-wise. For example, if you receive income from your investments, you may have to pay an ordinary income tax…


GWG Investment Loss Attorneys

GWG L Bond Investors Still Have Time To Sue Their Brokers Over Their Losses Our Knowledgeable GWG Investment Loss Attorneys Can Help You Explore Your Legal Options Nearly one year after GWG Holdings, Inc. filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, L Bond investors who were sold $1.6B of these high-yield junk…


Mutual Fund Investment Loss Attorneys

Our Closed-End Mutual Fund Investment Loss Attorneys Work With Retail Investors, Retirees and Others  Priority Income Fund Investors Are Wondering What To Do After Liquidity Strategy Changes While many investors generally think of mutual funds as safe, low-risk investments, that is not always the case. Now, in the wake of…

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