
Investor Lawyers Blog


Broker Fraud Lawsuit

Can You Sue Your Broker Over Your Investor Losses? Filing A FINRA Lawsuit With the Help of Skilled Broker Fraud Lawsuit Attorneys If you suffered investment losses that you believe were caused by the wrongful or negligent actions of your financial advisor, you may be able to pursue damages from…


Annuity Fraud Lawyers

Our Skilled Annuity Fraud Lawyers Represent Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Investors Mexico Investors File FINRA Lawsuit Accusing Truist Investment Services of Overconcentration Once again, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( have filed a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration claim against Truist Investment Services over losses suffered by investors in…


GWG Investor Loss Attorneys

Our GWG Investor Loss Attorneys May Be Able To Help You Investors File FINRA Lawsuit Seeking Up to $5M from NI Advisors Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( is continuing to sue the brokerage firms that sold GWG L Bonds to investors. Most recently, this involved two securities fraud claims…


Broker Misconduct Lawyers

Hiring Trusted Broker Misconduct Lawyers Can Maximize Your Chances of Financial Recovery Customers of Emerson Equity Broker Robert Melberth Are Pursuing Over $12M in Damages If you are a current or former customer of Emerson Equity financial advisor Robert Wyla Melberth, and you are wondering if your investor losses are…


Dallas FINRA Attorneys

Shepherd Smith Edward and Kantas Has Been Fighting For Texas Investors For Over 30 Years Since 1990, our Dallas FINRA lawyers have been representing investors pursuing damages caused by broker fraud or negligence. With our unparalleled experience in securities litigation, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( has helped thousands of…


Colorado Annuity Loss Lawyers

Why Investors With Colorado Bankers Life Insurance Annuity Losses Should Contact Our Experienced Securities Lawyers  Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Colorado Annuity Loss Lawyers Has Already Filed Dozens of Annuity Loss Lawsuits Related to Greg Lindberg-Owned Entities If you are an investor who purchased annuities issued by Colorado Bankers Life…


Non-Traded REIT Lawyers

Did You Suffer Hartman vREIT XXI Investor Losses? You May Want To Speak With Our Knowledgeable Non-Traded REIT Lawyers Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( represent investors who may have been unsuitably recommended Hartman vREIT XXI by their financial advisor. Like many non-traded real estate investment trusts (non-traded REITs), Hartman…


Structured Product Loss Attorneys

How Our Skilled UBS Structured Product Loss Attorneys Can Help Investors  Brokerage Firm Negligence?: UBS Financial May Have Unsuitably Recommended Complex Risky Investments  Over the years, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( have represented clients against UBS Financial in pursuing damages caused by broker fraud and negligence. This has included the…


FINRA Complaint Lawyers

What To Know When Filing a FINRA Complaint Against Your Broker The Difference Between A FINRA Lawsuit and a FINRA Complaint   If you suspect that your financial advisor engaged in broker misconduct or negligence, then you may be considering filing a complaint with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Organization…


Florida FINRA Attorneys

Florida FINRA Attorneys From Our Tampa Securities Law Office, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Represent Florida Investors Against Brokerage Firms Suffering serious investment losses, especially when caused by brokerage firm misconduct or negligence, can be devastating. You entrusted your financial advisor to take care of your money and now you’ve…

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