
Investor Lawyers Blog


What To Do If You Suffered Investor Losses in Private REITs?

Filing a FINRA Lawsuit May Help Investors Recoup Private REIT Losses Texas Investor Alleges Unsuitability and Other Broker Misconduct Against Calton and Associates Once again, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( have filed a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration claim on behalf of an investor who has suffered losses…


SSEK Securities Lawyers Continue to Fight For Investors

Our Seasoned Securities Lawyers Continue to Fight For GWG L Bond Investors Resignations of GWG Holdings CEO and CFO Are Latest Upset To Hit Beleaguered Alternative Asset Firm GWG Holdings, Inc. CEO/President Murray T. Holland and CFO/Treasurer Timothy L. Evans recently resigned as the company’s executives. The two men stepped…


Horizon Private Equity Ponzi Fraud Lawyers Helping Investors  

SSEK Ponzi Fraud Lawyers What Should You Do If You Suffered Losses in This Alleged $110M Investment Fraud? More than 400 investors have suffered losses in the alleged Horizon Private Equity Ponzi Scam involving ex-Oppenheimer & Co. broker John Woods. A few months ago, a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority panel…


Brokerage Firm Arbitration Lawyers Investigating Herbert J. Sims

Reg D Securities Losses Can Be Caused by Broker Negligence Our Brokerage Firm Arbitration Lawyers Are Investigating Herbert J. Sims (HJ Sims) After Regulation D Offerings Fail Regulation D (Reg D) private placements are private securities offerings. These alternative investments are risky, often illiquid investments and exempt from having to  register…


Are You An Investor Who Owns High-Risk Investments?

What You Should Know To Make Sure Your Brokers Are Properly Managing Your Assets Any time you invest, you are taking on a degree of risk. Some investments are significantly more high-risk than others. Just because a financial product comes with risks doesn’t necessarily mean you should stay away. Many…


Investment Loss Lawyer Team Representing Investors

Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Investors Receive New Liquidation Update On November 15, 2022, Northstar (Bermuda) policyholders were sent an update regarding the liquidation proceedings involving the offshore company, which filed for bankruptcy in December 2020. Many investors are still struggling to recoup their losses. The letter stated that the Joint…


Parking REIT Investors May Be Able to File FINRA Lawsuits

Many Appear To Have Lost Over 50% of Their Investment in Alleged Non-Traded REIT Scam Our non-traded real estate investment trust (non-traded REIT) investor losses attorneys are investigating The Parking REIT (now called Mobile Infrastructure Corp.) for possible investment fraud. If you are a The Parking REIT investor who would…



蒙受损失的ARKK投资者可联系投资者损失律师 Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas LLP 2022-11-04 07:00  1668 分享到: Cetera和其他经纪商目前正面临客户对ETF投资者损失索赔 休斯顿2022年11月4日 /美通社/ — Ark Innovation Exchange-Traded Fund(ARKK)的投资者对他们的损失感到无比惊讶。根据消息来源,其ETF今年截至目前的跌幅超过55%,跑输广泛市场。这种基金的结构复杂,已证明极具风险性和波动性。同时,这种基金属于非多元化,近50%的资产仅投资于10家公司。 遗憾的是,多家经纪公司可能将这一交易所交易基金出售给经验不足的投资者,这些投资者或者风险承受能力差,或者缺少能够应对变化、减少投资影响的资产组合。我们的交易所交易基金投资者损失律师代表金融行业监管局(FINRA)的索赔方,针对Cetera Investment Services和其他向他们营销和出售Ark Innovation ETF的经纪商提出索赔。 中国投资者提交了7位数的FINRA仲裁索赔,指控证券欺诈 Shepherds Smith Edwards and Kantas对Cetera Investment Services及其位于加利福尼亚州圣马特奥的财务顾问Weina Hou提起FINRA诉讼。索赔人是一名中国投资者,她表示她的Cetera经纪商不仅不当推荐了Ark Innovation ETF,使其在这一结构化产品中过度聚集了数十万美元,而且还进行虚假陈述这一交易所交易基金属于低风险投资机会并进行兜售。 这名索赔人此前没有投资经验,不精通英语,并且乐于将资金安全投资于可转让定期存单。Cetera的经纪商Weina Hou与她联系,用中文进行沟通,宣称兜售能给她带来更大回报且无需承担更多损失风险的投资项目。相反,Hou开始推荐高风险的结构化基金。 在我们的专家FINRA仲裁律师的帮助下,这位投资者正在向ETE和Hou寻求高达100万美元的损害赔偿。 联系我们知识丰富的Ark Innovation ETF投资者损失律师 Shepherds Smith Edwards and Kantas的ETF投资者损失律师帮助包括外国国民在内的数千名投资者弥补了因其美国经纪公司的金融顾问实施经纪欺诈或疏忽而所造成的损失。多年来,我们为客户寻回数百万美元的补偿。 如果您在Ark Innovation ETF中遭受重大损失,请立即联系我们的证券律师。 如需安排免费的无义务咨询,请立即致电(866) 901-4162。 消息来源:Shepherd…


Private Placement Investor Loss Lawyer

Some Investors Are Paying The Price for Conservation Easements As Regulation D Private Placements Experienced Private Placement Investor Loss Lawyers Can Help If you are an investor whose brokerage firm recommended that you invest in conservation easements as Regulation D private placements, and you’ve since been informed that you are…


Investor Losses Involving Complete Business Solutions Group (Par Funding)

$500M of This Risky Private Placement Investment May Have Been Sold By Brokerage Firms  More than two years after the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that it had filed an emergency action against Complete Business Solutions (d/b/a Par Funding), many of those who collectively invested up to $500M…

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