
Investor Lawyers Blog


SSEK Alternative Investment Loss Lawyer

Secured Income Group Investors May Be Victims of Alleged $100M Investment Fraud If you are someone who invested in Secured Income Group, you may be reeling from the news that in September 2022, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed civil charges accusing the real estate investment company, its…


FINRA Lawyers Representing Clients of Ex-JP Morgan Securities Broker Ed Turley

Former San Francisco Financial Advisor Is Barred Following Over $100 Million in Investor Claims Filed Against JP Morgan Nearly a year after FINRA Lawyers, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( won a $4 million Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration claim against JP Morgan Securities, the former star broker involved,…


Our Broker-dealer Arbitration Law Firm is Investigating Western International Securities

Are You An Investor Who Suffered Losses While Working With a Western International Securities Financial Advisor? Our FINRA Lawyers Are Investigating Ex-Western International Securities Broker Daniel Beech Over the past year, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas, a Broker-dealer Arbitration Law Firm, ( have filed FINRA lawsuits on behalf of investors…


Due Diligence Failures May Be Grounds for a FINRA Lawsuit

 Alleged Unsuitability and Due Diligence Failures May Be Grounds for a FINRA Lawsuit If you are someone whose financial advisor recommended one of the TCA Global Credit Funds to you, there may be reasons to sue your broker-dealer for damages. In 2020, TCA Fund Management Group Corp. and key executives were…


REIT Investment Fraud Lawyers Assist Older Investors Against Fraud

Why Privately Traded REITS Are Too Risky For Most Retirees Not all investments are suitable for everyone, which is why your broker-dealer has a duty to only recommend and sell financial products that are the right fit for you given your age, risk tolerance level, financial goals, and investing experience.…


Seasoned Investment Loss Lawyers Representing Latin American Investors

Seasoned Northstar (Bermuda) Investment Loss Lawyers Representing Latin American Investors Six-Figure Brokerage Firm Arbitration Claim Filed Against Truist Investment Services Two years after Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) filed for bankruptcy protection, the number of Latin American investors who are seeking to pursue damages from their broker-dealers for unsuitably recommending annuity-like…


What Is Stockbroker Misconduct?

Our Seasoned Brokerage Firm Arbitration Attorneys Are Here To Help Recover Investor Losses when Stockbroker misconduct is Suspected There are different kinds of broker misconduct that can be committed by registered representatives and/or their broker-dealers. There is, of course, the most egregious kind, which is when a financial advisor purposely…


How Can Our Broker Misconduct Attorneys Help with Investment Fraud?

What Are Common Types of Investment Fraud and How Can Our Broker Misconduct Attorneys Help? Every day, there are financial scammers out there looking to steal money from unsuspecting investors. Some of these fraudsters are registered brokers using the legitimacy of their profession and the brokerage firms they are employed…


FINRA Lawsuit Attorneys assist TCA Fund Investors

 Alleged Unsuitability and Due Diligence Failures May Be Grounds for a FINRA Lawsuit If you are someone whose financial advisor recommended one of the TCA Global Credit Funds to you, there may be reasons to sue your broker-dealer for damages. In 2020, TCA Fund Management Group Corp. and key executives were…


Why Working With A Skilled FINRA Law Firm Can Increase Your Ability to Recover Losses

Why Working With A Skilled FINRA Law Firm Can Increase Your Chances of Recovering Your GWG L Bond Losses  Our Seasoned Brokerage Firm Negligence Attorneys Continue To File Investor Loss Claims For L Bond Investors While broker-dealers all over the United States earned high commissions and fees from selling GWG…

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