
Securities Broker Misconduct Attorney

Did You Suffer Investment Losses While Working With Ex-Western International Securities Broker Tony Liddle?

Former Customers of Barred Wisconsin Financial Advisor Seeking Over $3M in Damages

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas (investorlawyers.com) is speaking to investors who sustained losses while working with ex-Landolt Securities financial advisor Anthony Baker Liddle (Tony Liddle). He pleaded guilty to wire fraud and money-related offenses in January 2023 and was sentenced to 97 months in prison for each count, but he will serve his time concurrently. He also was ordered to pay more than $1.6M in restitution. Liddle, a former registered investment adviser and control person of Prosper Wealth Management in Wausau, was barred by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions Division of Securities. Prior to being a Landolt registered representative, he was a Western International Securities broker.

Prosecutors said that Liddle misused client funds for his own expenses and to pay off debts rather than investing the money. He also misappropriated their funds to pay other clients and investors. Meanwhile, regulators contend that  Liddle solicited $1.9M from investors for supposed bond purchases, including GWG L bonds, and then stole the money. GWG Holdings is now accused of running a more than $1.6B Ponzi scam. Liddle also is accused of “borrowing” over $1.8M from customers.

The former Wisconsin broker’s CRD shows 12 disclosures, including two still pending customer disputes in which the claimants are collectively seeking more than $3M in damages.

Can You Sue Landolt Securities or Western International Securities For Liddle’s Broker Misconduct?

Brokerage firms have a duty to properly supervise their registered representatives and identify, prevent, and stop any fraudulent actions on their part. Even with Liddle being ordered to pay restitution, you may still be able to pursue damages from the firms where he was previously registered while he worked with you. But first, you need to speak with our skilled financial advisor fraud attorneys so that we can help assess the merits of your claim.

Proving broker-dealer negligence, including a failure to supervise, is never easy. Most brokerage firms will refute any claims of wrongdoing because they don’t want to be held  liable. This is why it is so important that if you are going to sue that you have a seasoned securities law firm on your side.

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Securities Broker Misconduct Attorney teams have been representing investors against broker-dealers and investment advisers for over 30 years. More than 90% of our clients have received full or partial financial recovery. We genuinely care about protecting investors and fighting for them.

When you hire us, you can rely on quality securities representation and personalized attention.

Call our Securities Broker Misconduct Attorney Team at (800) 259-9010 or contact us online.

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