
SSEK Annuity Fraud Lawyers

Representing Northstar (Bermuda) Investors From Latin America, Central American, and South America. Our Annuity Fraud Lawyers Work With International Investors In Pursuing Damages From US-Based Brokerage Firms

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Annuity Fraud Lawyers ( continue to represent investors whose US broker unsuitably marketed and sold them annuities in the now-bankrupt Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda). Unfortunately, this offshore investment was sold to many non-US citizens, including those who specifically turned to broker-dealers in this country in the hope of securing a safe haven for their assets.

Instead, many investors from Latin America, Central America, and South America were sold annuities in a Bermuda entity owned by Greg Lindberg, who recently pleaded guilty to defrauding annuity investors of $2B. Lindberg was long suspected of funneling money from his insurance companies to his special-purpose vehicles.

There were also regulatory and other serious issues plaguing Northstar (Bermuda) for some time. However, that did not stop many brokerage firms from unsuitably recommending it to retail investors and retirees from abroad, who have since sustained significant losses in one or more of the following Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) products:

  • Global Advantage
  • Global Advantage III, V
  • Global Advantage Select
  • Global Interest Accumulator
  • Global Investment Plan
  • Global Index Protect
  • Global Variable Annuity
  • Global VIP
  • Global VIP Elite
  • Met Group Variable Deferred Annuity
  • Met Global Asset Portfolio
  • Met Universal Life
  • Met Variable Universal Life

Other international investors were also sold PB Investment Holdings and Old Mutual (Bermuda) products (Guaranteed Rate Plan, Guaranteed Index Plan, and Universal Investment Plan). PB Investment Holdings and Old Mutual (Bermuda) were owned by Lindberg.

Why Sue Your Broker Over Your Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Losses? 

It has come to our attention that there are US brokerage firms that misrepresented Northstar (Bermuda) and other Lindberg-issued investments as low-risk, CD-like, conservative, and the kind of opportunity that would guarantee a monthly income. Meanwhile, financial advisors and their firms earned high commissions and fees from the sale of these investments, even as many allegedly ignored the red flags indicating it was time to get their customers out.

∙      Northstar Bermuda FAQs

∙      Northstar Bermuda に関するよくあるご質問

∙      北极星百慕大常见问题解答

∙      Northstar Bermuda Preguntas Frecuentes

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Annuity Fraud Lawyers are representing more than 100 investors who sustained losses in Lindberg-issued annuities. When you work with us, you become part of our unit of Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) lawsuits and will be represented by our entire firm. We are highly knowledgeable in why these investments failed and how broker-dealers should be held liable.

We are suing many of the same brokerage firms on behalf of multiple clients. The firms’ respective legal teams know who we are by now. They understand that they must take the Northstar (Bermuda) claims that we represent seriously. Our annuity loss attorneys are among the most respected in the US for fighting for investors like you.

Contact Our Annuity Fraud Lawyers:

Call: (800) 259-9010

International via WhatsApp (text only): (713) 227-2400.

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