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“Pump and Dump”, Annuities, Real Estate, Affinity Fraud and “Free Lunch Seminars” Are Top Scams in 2007 Say State Securities Regulators
The North American Securities Administrators Association released its “Top 10 Traps” likely to ensnare investors, a list that included real estate investment contracts, affinity fraud, foreign exchange trading, and Internet fraud.
Other problematic areas, according to NASAA, include: “free lunch” investment seminars; oil and gas scams; prime bank schemes; private securities offerings; unlicensed professionals and unregistered products; and unsuitable sales.
“The path to safe investing is littered with traps that are likely to catch unwary investors,” Joseph Borg, NASAA’s president and the director of the Alabama Securities Commission, said in the release. “It always pays to remember that any investment that sounds too good to be true usually is.”