Articles Posted in Featured Investigation

What Does It Mean To Sue A Broker For Unsuitability? 

Our Trusted Unsuitability Loss Lawyers Are Here To Help 

At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas (, we represent investors who have been the victim of unsuitable investment recommendations by their broker or investment adviser.  Unfortunately, unsuitability is one of the most common causes of investor losses that end up meriting a lawsuit for damages against a financial advisor and/or their firm.

Our Tampa Florida Alternative Investment Fraud Attorneys Represent Investors From All Walks Of Life Against Financial Advisors

At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas (, our Tampa Florida Alternative Investment Fraud Attorneys work with investors who have sustained losses because of unsuitable, fraudulent, or poor-performing financial products that were inappropriately marketed and sold to them by a broker or investment adviser. If you suspect that you may be the victim of alternative investment fraud, contact us today to schedule a free, initial case assessment.

What Is An Alternative Investment And Why Might You, A Florida Investor, Want to Sue Your Broker?

San Diego, CA Investment Loss Law Firm

Representing Southern California Investors Against Brokers and Investment Advisers

In recent years, alternative investments have become an attractive draw for investors looking to diversify and expand their portfolios. However, these little-regulated, complex securities can also be high-risk and they are not suitable for every investor. If you are a Southern California investor who sustained losses after your broker or investment adviser unsuitably recommended an alternative investment, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas San Diego Investment Loss Law Firm want to talk to you.

FINRA Arbitration Panel Orders Wells Fargo Advisors To Pay $3.4M To Investor 

Broker-Dealer Accused of Negligence That Allegedly Enabled Elder Financial Exploitation 

A three-person FINRA Dispute Resolution Services panel awarded one investor $3.4M in damages and costs over losses his now-deceased mother sustained while working with Wells Fargo Advisors and its financial advisor Stephen Lyndell Smith. The claimant, who filed his broker fraud lawsuit in 2023, alleged negligence, breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty over the broker-dealer’s purported “inaction” to stop unauthorized trades in the account of an older investor in declining health, and more.

Dallas Alternative Investment Loss Recovery Lawyers – We Help Texas Investors In Fighting For The Damages Owed To Them By Financial Advisors

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( Dallas Alternative Investment Fraud Lawyers represent investors who are seeking to recoup the losses they sustained in alternative investments. If your broker or investment adviser marketed or sold you one of these non-traditional investments, contact our Dallas, TX securities law office today.

What Are Alternative Investments?

Ex-LPL Broker John Matson Accused of Operating Ponzi Scam. Our Ponzi Scheme Attorneys Are Investigating Investor Losses

If you are someone who sustained losses while working with former LPL Financial broker John Nicholas Matson, also the principal of South Bay Acquisitions, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( want to talk to you. Matson, who was barred by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) in 2022 following allegations of promissory note fraud involving an elderly customer, was fired by the broker-dealer that same year. Now, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed charges accusing him of defrauding investors, including ex-brokerage customers, in an alleged Ponzi scam.

The SEC contends that between January 2012 and September 2021, Matson and his company made unregistered offerings of securities, raising more than $1.5M in the process. Through these “LLC Bonds” from South Bay, investors’ money was then allegedly used for Matson’s personal use.

Elderly Investor Files L Bond Lawsuit Accusing Newbridge Securities of Making Unsuitable Investment Recommendation. Our Alternative Investment Fraud Lawyers Are Representing This Claimant

A senior investor is suing Newbridge Securities for up to $500K in damages for losses he sustained after the broker-dealer allegedly harmfully recommended high-risk junk bonds issued by GWG Holdings. That alternative asset firm is now accused of operating a more than $1.6B Ponzi scam.

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Alternative Investment Fraud Lawyers ( are representing this California claimant, whose case involves a financial advisor who appears to have been more concerned with earning high commissions rather than fulfilling her fiduciary duty to this investor and his wife.

Did You Suffer Investor Losses While Working With Financial Advisor Angelo Talebi?

This Beverly Hills Financial Planners Investment Adviser May Have Unsuitably Sold GWG L Bonds, Non-Traded REITs 

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( are speaking with investors who sustained serious losses while working with California financial advisor Angelo Talebi. The ex-Independent Financial Group stockbroker, who is a registered investment adviser and the CEO of Beverly Hills Financial Planners, has 40 customer disputes listed on his CRD.

For Investors, T-Rex 2X Inverse Nvidia Daily Target ETF Losses May Be Significant. Contact our ETF Fraud Law Firm Today To Explore Your Legal Options

The ETF Fraud Law Firm of Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( is continuing to speak to investors who sustained serious losses after their broker promoted and sold the T-Rex 2X Inverse Nvidia Daily Target ETF to them. This leveraged exchange-traded fund (ETF) was always a high-risk, very speculative, volatile investment and would have likely been unsuitable for inexperienced, retail investors from the start. That doesn’t mean it would have been an appropriate investment recommendation for every accredited or sophisticated investor either.

Unfortunately, not too long T-Rex 2X Inverse Nvidia Daily Target ETF’s share price dropped by 96% when Nvidia Corp’s (NASDAQ:NVDA) stock went up by 221.08%, which may have resulted in significant investor losses. If you speak with one of our skilled ETF loss attorneys, we can help you explore your legal options during your free, initial case assessment.

Investors of Lightstone Value Plus REITs May Want to Explore Their Legal Options. Our Non-traded REIT Loss Lawyers Can Help You Assess The Cause Of Your Losses

In New York federal court, a group of investors have filed a class action lawsuit against Lightstone Value Plus REITs I, II, and III. The non-traded real estate investment trusts are sponsored and advised by The Lightstone Group. The claimants contend that thousands of Lightstone REIT investors may have been misled into approving charter amendments that got in the way of the liquidation of their investments.

The class action plaintiffs are pursuing damages for breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and other relief. They allege that because of proxy statements that were misleading and incomplete, officers and directors involved were given more powers. Meanwhile, investors were prevented from realizing the true value of their investments.

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