Articles Posted in Featured Investigation

Spanish Investors Sue Insigneo Securities For Up to $500K Following Northstar (Bermuda) Losses. Our Northstar Fraud Law Firm Are Representing These Claimants And Many Others

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Northstar Fraud Law Firm ( is representing two Spanish citizens in their Northstar (Bermuda) investment loss recovery claim against Insigneo Securities. The claimants, who are requesting up to $500K, in addition to interest and costs, are alleging unsuitable investment recommendations, concentration, misrepresentations and omissions, a gross lack of supervision, negligence, grossly negligent behavior, and more.

The couple, one of whom is now deceased, were referred to Insigneo (when it used to be Northeast Securities) through City National Bank in South Florida where they were residents. The wanted a safe haven for their assets. Instead, the broker-dealer allegedly abused their trust by overconcentrating a huge portion of their assets in Norhtstar Financial Services (Bermuda), an offshore investment that is now defunct.

Did Your Broker Unsuitably Recommend Hatteras Investment Partners Funds? Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Investment Loss Recovery Lawyers Are Investigating Broker-Dealers For Negligence

If you suffered losses in a Hatteras Investment Partners Fund, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Investment Loss Recovery Lawyers ( want to talk to you. We have reason to believe that broker-dealers may have unsuitably recommended the following to investors:

  • Hatteras Core Alternatives TEI Fund

Stifel Nicolaus Ordered To More Than $14M in Damages, Including $9M in Punitive Damages, Over Structured Note Losses

Claimants Are Former Clients of Stifel Stockbroker Chuck Roberts 

A Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration panel has ordered Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. to pay over $14M to a Florida couple. That is almost $2M in compensatory damages, including interest, to these investors, more than $2M in compensatory damages to their business, $9M in punitive damages, $1.1M in legal fees, and $100K in costs.

Are You An Investor Who Lost Money From Aegis Capital Corp. Underwritten Stocks?

Our Seasoned Broker Fraud Lawyers Are Investigating Loss Claims That May Be in The Billions

If you sustained losses in stock that were underwritten and/or sold by Aegis Capital Corp., Shepherd Smith Edward and Kantas Seasoned Broker Fraud Lawyers ( would like to offer you a free, no-obligation case assessment to determine whether you have grounds for a broker fraud claim. Aegis Capital is under scrutiny for allegedly underwriting securities that are now likely worthless and may have cost investors billions of dollars.

Are You An Investor Who Suffered Losses in Autocallable Structured Notes?

Contact Our Skilled Structured Product Fraud Attorneys For A Free Case Assessment

If you sustained losses in an autocallable structured note that was marketed and sold to you by a financial advisor, you may have grounds for a claim for damages. The Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Structured Product Law Firm ( is available to talk to you during an initial case consultation to help you determine what legal steps, if any, you should take.

Did Brokerage Firms Unsuitably Recommend LRT Leesburg DST To Investors?

Our Delaware Statutory Trust Attorneys Loss Attorneys Are Investigating

If you are an investor who lost money in LRT Leesburg DST, which was recommended to you by a financial advisor, contact Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( today. Our Delaware Statutory Trust Investment Loss Recovery Law Firm is offering a free, no obligation case assessment to help determine whether you may have grounds for a legal claim against your broker-dealer.

Merrill Lynch and Harvest Volatility Management To Pay $9.3M Over CYES Strategy 

SEC Alleges That Investors Ended Up Losing Money and Paid Higher Fees 

According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Merrill Lynch and Harvest Volatility Management have consented to pay a combined $9.3M penalties and disgorgement to settle charges accusing both firms of exceeding client investment limits when employing the Collateral Yield Enhancement Strategy (CYES). This purportedly cost customers to pay higher fees and suffer investment losses.

SEC Files Lawsuit Against Ex-Moloney Securities Broker Robert Vance Over GWG L Bond Sales. Our GWG Bond Loss Law Firm Is Representing Investors Who Worked With This Former California Financial Advisor 

If you sustained losses in GWG Holdings L Bonds that were allegedly unsuitably recommended to you by ex-stockbroker Robert Morgan Vance, contact Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( today. Already, we are representing two investors in their six-figure investment loss recovery claim against Moloney Securities, which is where Vance used to be a registered representative. They are accusing him of unsuitably recommending GWG L Bonds and misrepresenting the risks. We are also representing other L Bond investors against Moloney Securities.

Now, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is suing Vance for alleged best-interest violations when selling $4.3M in GWG L Bonds. GWG Holdings, which filed for bankruptcy in 2022, is now accused of running a more than $1.6B Ponzi scam that has cost thousands of investors, including seniors and retirees, serious portfolio losses. Meanwhile, dozens of broker-dealers, including Moloney Securities, allegedly profited through the high sales commissions and fees they were paid.

Dallas Non-Traded REIT Fraud Law Firm. We Work With Texas Investors Against Negligent and Bad Brokers Who Unsuitably Sell Alternative Investments

From our securities law offices in Dallas and Houston, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( works with investors throughout Texas in pursuing the damages they are owed because a financial advisor may have unsuitably marketed and sold them non-traded real estate investment trusts (non-traded REITs). These are illiquid, risky investments, many of which can be sold to retail customers, seniors, and retirees. However, that does not always mean that non-traded REITS are an appropriate recommendation for every customer.

Our Dallas, TX non-traded real estate investment loss attorneys know how to determine whether broker fraud or negligence was involved. We have been fighting for investors in The Lone Star State against broker-dealers all over the United States for more than 30 years. With over a 100 years of collective experience in securities law and the securities industry, our Texas investor law firm has represented clients in over 1000 matters in arbitration, mediation, and litigation. More than 90% of investors we have worked with have secured full or partial financial recovery because of our skilled efforts and dedication.

Houston, TX Alternative Investment Loss Law Firm

We Represent Texas Investors Who Have Suffered Losses Because of Unsuitable Recommendations and Other Kinds of Broker Fraud 

From our Houston, Texas securities law office, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas represents investors who have sustained losses in alternative investments that were unsuitably marketed and sold to them by their financial advisor. This is an investment that doesn’t fall under the more conventional categories of investments. Most alternative investments do not even have to be registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and are not subject to many of its requirements.

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