Articles Posted in Financial Firms

Six-Figure GWG Lawsuit Accuses Moloney Securities Of Making Unsuitable Investment Recommendations. Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas WG Bond Fraud Attorneys Is Representing This Retiree Couple 

Once again, our trusted GWG L Bond recovery attorneys have filed a FINRA lawsuit on behalf of investors against Moloney Securities. This time, our clients are a California couple who allege they were the victims of unsuitable investment recommendations by one of the broker-dealer’s registered representatives. These retirees are requesting up to six-figures in damages.

This is an L Bond lawsuit involving a financial advisor who appears to have been more concerned with the commissions that could be earned rather than honoring their fiduciary duty to these customers. We also believe that Moloney Securities was beyond complacent in the way it supervised this broker and the products it chose to sell to its customers.

Louisiana Investor Files Six-Figure GWG Lawsuit Against Centaurus Financial 

The Claimant Alleges Unsuitability, Misrepresentations and Omissions

Our New Orleans GWG L Bond fraud lawyers are representing a Metairie, LA investor in her investment loss recovery claim against Centaurus Financial. Our client, who is a divorced single mom, contends that her Centaurus broker Seyed Ahmad Hashemian unsuitably recommended the risky, illiquid GWG bonds even though she is an inexperienced investor who made it clear from the start that she wanted to avoid undue risks.

GWG Investors Sue Western International Securities for Up to $5M Lost In Alleged Affinity Scam 

Beverly Hills Financial Planners’ Angelo Talebi Allegedly Worked With One of The Firm’s Brokers to Target Persian American Community Through Radio Ads 

Two Maryland investors of Persian descent have filed a FINRA lawsuit seeking up to $5M for their losses from Western International Securities. The claimants, who are older seniors, contend that their financial advisor Daniel Keith Beech misrepresented GWG Holdings L Bonds as safe, low risk investments when they were in fact, high-risk, illiquid junk bonds. Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( GWG L Bond Fraud Attorneys is representing this older couple.

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Capital Loss Recovery Attorneys Continue to Investigate Aegis Capital Over Investment Losses

Investor May Have Allegedly Lost At Least $5B From Stock Offerings Underwritten By Broker-Dealer

If you suffered losses in stocks of small companies underwritten and/or sold by broker-dealer Aegis Capital Corp., please contact Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( today. We are continuing to look into allegations that the firm cost investors billions of dollars when underwriting and/or selling stocks from small companies that were either on the brink of bankruptcy or were about to be delisted. Our Aegis Capital loss recovery attorneys are also investigating other brokerage firms that may have sold what could now be “worthless” stocks to customers.

Illinois Couple Alleges Unsuitable Recommendations in GWG L Bond Lawsuit Against Ausdal Financial

Our L Bond Loss Recovery Lawyers Are Representing These Investors in FINRA Arbitration

If you are an investor who sustained losses in GWG Holdings, there is still time to explore your legal options. Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas L Bond Loss Recovery Lawyers ( continue to represent many investors, including retirees, who sustained serious losses because their financial advisor unsuitably marketed and sold GWG L Bonds to them. You can find a list of some of the L Bond loss recovery claims we are handling here.

Did You Suffer Investor Losses While Working With Cetera Broker Colin Kelty? Our Chicago Financial Advisor Negligence Attorneys Are Investigating

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( is speaking to investors who sustained losses while working with Illinois broker Colin Christy Kelty, who has been a registered representative with Cetera Investment Services since 2011.

There are currently four disclosures on Kelty’s CRD, including a still pending unsuitable investment recommendation lawsuit involving structured products in which the claimant is seeking more than $1.5M in damages. Another still pending case, in which the investor is seeking $240K in damages, is accusing Kelty of failing to liquidate certain securities.

Did Aegis Capital Cause Investors To Lose At Least $5B?

Broker-Dealer Accused of Underwriting Questionable Stock Offerings

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( are continuing to investigate allegations that Aegis Capital may have cost investors billions of dollars in its role as the underwriter of stocks of small companies that were about to be delisted or facing bankruptcy; purportedly, the only reason these companies were able to stay open was because the broker-dealer helped sell these “worthless stocks” to its customers, as well to customers of other brokerage firms.

Spanish Investors Sue Insigneo Securities For Up to $500K Following Northstar (Bermuda) Losses. Our Northstar Fraud Law Firm Are Representing These Claimants And Many Others

Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Northstar Fraud Law Firm ( is representing two Spanish citizens in their Northstar (Bermuda) investment loss recovery claim against Insigneo Securities. The claimants, who are requesting up to $500K, in addition to interest and costs, are alleging unsuitable investment recommendations, concentration, misrepresentations and omissions, a gross lack of supervision, negligence, grossly negligent behavior, and more.

The couple, one of whom is now deceased, were referred to Insigneo (when it used to be Northeast Securities) through City National Bank in South Florida where they were residents. The wanted a safe haven for their assets. Instead, the broker-dealer allegedly abused their trust by overconcentrating a huge portion of their assets in Norhtstar Financial Services (Bermuda), an offshore investment that is now defunct.

Stifel Nicolaus Ordered To More Than $14M in Damages, Including $9M in Punitive Damages, Over Structured Note Losses

Claimants Are Former Clients of Stifel Stockbroker Chuck Roberts 

A Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration panel has ordered Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. to pay over $14M to a Florida couple. That is almost $2M in compensatory damages, including interest, to these investors, more than $2M in compensatory damages to their business, $9M in punitive damages, $1.1M in legal fees, and $100K in costs.

Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Investors Who Suffered Losses May Be Able To Sue Their Brokers. Our Northstar Financial Fraud Law Firm Are Representing Asian and Latin American Nationals 

The Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas Northstar Financial Fraud Law Firm ( continue to investigate Northstar Financial Service (Bermuda). Many of the investors who suffered losses are foreign nationals from countries in Asia and Latin America, including the Caribbean, who were unsuitably recommended this offshore entity by their US stockbroker.

To date, we are representing more than 100 investors with an annuity fraud lawsuit against a broker-dealer. Here is a list of firms we are suing. Many are respondents in multiple Northstar (Bermuda) lawsuits that we are helming:

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