Articles Posted in Financial Firms

Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (BNY) has agreed to pay $1.3 million to the states of Florida, New York, and Texas over allegations that it engaged in the manipulative trading of auction-rate securities. The settlement comes following a joint probe by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, the Florida Office of Financial Regulation, and the Texas State Securities Board over Mellon Financial Markets’ actions as Citizens Property Insurance Corp. of Florida’s intermediary broker in an alleged scam to lower borrowing costs. Citizens Property is run by Florida and it is the largest home insurer in the state.

ARS interest rates are reset at auctions that usually occur at 7-day or 28-day intervals. According to the Texas State Securities Board, investors made $6.7 million less in interest than they would have earned if Citizens Property hadn’t placed bids during its own auctions. Mellon Financial Markets is accused of assisting Citizens Property in manipulating auction-rate securities’ interest rates by making and accepting bids on the latter’s behalf.

In 2008, Citizens Property allegedly asked a Mellon Financial Markets representative to assist it in bidding on its own ARS while hiding this action because broker-dealers in charge of managing the securities would have otherwise turned their bids down. Citizens Property then made bids that were lower than market rates, which caused the auctions to clear at rates below what they would have been. Meantime, Mellon Financial made approximately $300,000 in fees. At least one Mellon Financial broker expressed concern about these trades to a supervisor, who allegedly failed to seek legal advice or talk about these concerns with the MFM’s compliance department.

Following the collapse of the ARS market, one broker-dealer, who suspected that Mellon Financial was making Citizens’ bids, said that orders would no longer be made for a company bidding on its own securities. Yet, according to authorities, traders kept on with this practice until Bank of New York Mellon issued the order to stop. Those involved allegedly knew that bidding for CPIC established lower clearing rates, which would prove “detrimental” to investors holding or bidding on these ARS.

Citizens Property Insurance maintains that it thought its actions were “legally permissible.” The company claims that it was “vigilant” about getting advice from outside legal counsel before taking part in the transactions.

BNY Mellon Capital Markets has said that the alleged misconduct was related to the “isolated conduct” of three persons no longer with the financial firm. Mellon Financial Markets was a separate entity when the alleged bidding scam was happening.

BNY Unit Settles Auction-Rate Case, Wall Street Journal, December 23, 2011
Bank of New York Mellon Settles Auction-Rate Investigation, Bloomberg/Businessweek, December 23, 2011
BNY Mellon to pay $1.3M in Schneiderman suit, Crain’s New York Business, December 22, 2011

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Securities Claims Accusing Merrill Lynch of Concealing Its Auction-Rate Securities Practices Are Dismissed by Appeals Court, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, November 30, 2011
Raymond James Settles Auction-Rate Securities Case with Indiana Securities Division for $31M, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, August 27, 2011 Continue Reading ›

A US judge has denied Citigroup’s request that the $54.1M Financial Industry Regulatory Authority arbitration award issued to investors that sustained losses in municipal bond funds be overturned. This is one of the largest securities arbitration awards that a broker-dealer has been ordered to pay individual investors. Brush Creek Capital, retired lawyer Gerald D. Hosier, and investor Jerry Murdock Jr. are the award’s recipients. However, these Claimants are not the only investors to come forward contending that they were told the funds were suitable for investors that wanted to preserve their capital.

The investor losses were related to several leveraged municipal bond arbitrage funds that saw their value significantly drop between 2007 and 2008. Citigroup Global Markets had sold the municipal bond funds through MAT Finance LLC. Proceeds were invested in longer-term muni bunds while borrowing took place at low, short-term rates. The strategy proved to be unsuccessful, resulting in investors losing up to 80% of their money.

According to The Wall Street Journal, when it issued its ruling the arbitration panel appeared to reject three defenses that financial firms usually make:

• The financial crisis, and not the financial firm, is to blame for the losses.
• Sophisticated, rich investors should have known what risks were involved.
• The prospectus had warned in advance that investors could lose everything.

The Claimants alleged fraud, failure to supervise, and unsuitability. They had sought no less than $48 million in compensatory damages, fees, lost-opportunity costs, commission, lawyers’ fees, and interest.

The FINRA arbitration panel awarded $21.6 million in compensatory damages, plus 8% per annum, to Hosier, $3.9 million in compensatory damages, plus 8% per annum, to Murdock, Jr, and $8.4 million in compensatory damages, plus 8% per annum, to Brush Creek Capital LLC.

All Claimants were also awarded $3 million in lawyers’ fees, $17 million in punitive damages, $33,500 in expert witness fees, $13,168 in court reporter expenses, and $600 for the Claimant’s filing fee.

Following the FINRA ruling, Citigroup contended that the arbitration panel had ignored the law when arriving at the award. The brokerage firm also claimed that investors could not have depended on verbal statements that the financial firm had expressed about purchases because the clients had acknowledged through signed agreements that they could lose everything they invested. By denying Citigroup’s request to throw out the arbitration award, Judge Christine Arguello, however, said that the court found Citigroup’s “argument wholly unpersuasive.”

A Crack in Wall Street’s Defenses, New York Times, April 24, 2011

Citigroup Slammed With $54 Million Award by FINRA Arbitrators in MAT / ASTA Case, Municipal Bond, April 12, 2011

Citigroup loses suit to overturn $54-million ruling, Reuters, December 22, 2011

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JPMorgan Chase to Pay $211M to Settle Charges It Rigged Municipal Bond Transaction Bidding Competitions, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, July 9, 2011

Citigroup Ordered by FINRA to Pay $54.1M to Two Investors Over Municipal Bond Fund Losses, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, April 13, 2011

Citigroup’s $285M Mortgage-Related CDO Settlement with Raises Concerns About SEC’s Enforcement Practices for Judge Rakoff, Institutional Investor Securities Blog, November 9, 2011

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FINRA says that Barclays Capital Inc. will pay $3 million over charges of inadequate supervision related to the residential subprime mortgage securitizations and the misrepresentation of delinquency data. The SRO claims that between 3/07 and 10/10, Barclays misrepresented three RMBS’s historical delinquency rates.

Per industry rules, financial firms have to give investors certain performance information for securities that they issue. FINRA says that Barclay’s Capital misrepresented the historical delinquency rates for the RMBS between March 2007 and December 2010. This inaccurate data was published on the company’s website, which impacted how investors were able to evaluate other securitizations.

Historical delinquency rates, which provide historical performance information for previous securitizations with mortgage loans, are key in helping an investor determine and RMBS’s value and whether mortgage holders’ inability to make loan payments could disrupt future returns. The inaccurate information that was posted on the Barclay’s Capital website was referred to as historical delinquency rates in five subsequent residential subprime mortgage securitizations and had errors that were key enough to impact investors.

According to FINRA Enforcement Chief Brad Bennett, Barclay lacked a system that could ensure that delinquency data that was published was accurate.

Barclays has settled the case. However, the financial firm is not denying or admitting to the charges.

It was just earlier this year that FINRA fined Merrill Lynch $3 Million and Credit Suisse Securities $4.5 Million over misrepresentations involving RMBS. Both financial firms settled the allegations without denying or admitting to the charges.

According to the SRO, in 2006, 21 RMBS’s historical delinquency rates were misrepresented by Credit Suisse. The financial firm allegedly knew that this information was not accurate yet failed to adequately look into the mistakes, tell clients about the errors, or correct the information, which was published on its we site. The delinquency errors for six of the 21 securitizations were enough to impact the way investors were able to evaluate subsequent securitizations. Credit Suisse also allegedly did not define or name the methodology that was applied in determining the mortgage delinquencies in five other subprime securitizations. (Disclosing which method was issued is required because there are different standards for determining delinquencies.)

Regarding the charges against Merrill Lynch, the SRO claims 61 of the financial firm’s subprime RMBS had historical delinquency rates that were misrepresented. However, upon discovering the mistakes, Merrill Lynch published the correct data online. In eight cases, the delinquencies impacted investors’ ability to assess subsequent securitizations.

FINRA Fines Barclays Capital $3 Million for Misrepresentations Related to Subprime Securitizations, FINRA, December 22, 2011

Finra Fines Credit Suisse, Bank of America Over RMBS Errors, Bloomberg, May 26, 2011

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Morgan Keegan Settles Subprime Mortgage-Backed Securities Charges for $200M, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, June 29, 2011

Investors Want JP Morgan Chase & Co. To Explain Over $95B of Mortgage-Backed Securities, Institutional Investor Securities Blog, December 17, 2011

Federal Home Loan Banks Say Countrywide Financial Corp Mortgage Bond Investors May Be Owed Way More than What $8.5B Securities Settlement with Bank of America Corp. is Offering, Institutional Investor Securities Blog, July 22, 2011

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According to a recent Wells Fargo & Co-sponsored survey, 23% of the 800 Americans with at $100,000 in investable assets who participated reported that they don’t feel confident that they will have enough money saved by the time they retire. 75% said they felt sure that they would have enough. The ones most likely to feel confident are the ones with a written a financial plan, trust that the stock market will take care of their investments, are married, have at least $250,000 in investable assets, and/or are male. Those who felt unsure about their finances for when they retire included those who are single, female, belong to the 40-59 age group, and/or have under $250,000 in investable assets.

Some of the Other Findings from the Survey:

• 48% of those in the 25 to 49 age range want to keep working during their retirement years.
• More men (42%) than women (34%) wanted to keep working even after hitting retirement age.
• Approximately three-quarters of those that are currently working believe that having a specific amount of money matters more than what age they are when they retire.
• Women without a written financial plan and/or with investable assets of over $100,000 but under $250,000 are more likely to believe that they won’t have enough money when they retire regardless of what they do now.
• Nearly 2 in 5 Affluent Americans feel like they should significantly reduce their spending now to save up for retirement • One-third of those surveyed worry that they won’t be able to leave their children an inheritance because their savings will have to go toward their retirement • Four in 10 prefer to enjoy life now rather than worry: These people are usually already retired (54%), seniors belonging to 60-75 age group (51%), Democrats (47%), and parents with kids that are already legal adults (44%)
• Parents with kids under 18 (71%), adults belonging to the 40-49 age group (62%), women (65%), and seniors age 50-59 (64%) are the ones most likely to worry about what will happen when they retire.

Unfortunately, there appears to a nationwide rise in investment fraud targeting baby boomers, many who are just (or on the verge of) retiring. The Wall Street Journal reports that many of these older investors found themselves placing their money in high-risk bets to compensate for the losses they suffered during the recently financial crisis.

There are approximately 77 million baby boomers currently live in the US. Of the 3,475 enforcement actions involving fraud in 2010, 1,241 affected investors were 50 years of age or older. According to securities regulators, this number is expected to hit a record figure this year. Enforcement actions involved free-lunch seminars, variable annuities, or the misuse of professional credentials. Common types of senior investment fraud included Ponzi scams, self-directed IRA’s containing bogus investments in gold, real estate, and oil wells, and promissory notes.

Our elder financial fraud lawyers at Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas, LLP represent seniors throughout the US. We know the toll that losing your savings can take on you and your family.
Retirement Fears Jump the Wealth Gap to Strike Many Affluent Americans, Wells Fargo Retirement Study Finds, Wells Fargo, December 14, 2011
Boomers Wearing Bull’s-Eyes, Wall Street Journal, December 14, 2011

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Well Fargo Advisers to Pay $2 Million to Settle Claims that Broker Sold Unsuitable Reverse Convertible Securities to Seniors, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, December 17, 2011
Texas Securities Fraud Over Sale of Allegedly Bogus Annuities to Elderly Seniors, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, December 14, 2011
LPL Financial Ordered to Pay $100K for Lack of Adequate Oversight that Resulted in Unsuitable Investments for Clients, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, November 29, 2011 Continue Reading ›

Bank of America Corp. has agreed to a record $335 million settlement to pay back Countrywide Financial Corp. borrowers who were billed more for loans because of their nationality and race, while creditworthiness and other objective criteria took a back seat. All borrowers that were discriminated against qualified to receive mortgage loans under Countrywide’s own underwriting standards.

The settlement is larger than any past fair-lending settlements (totaling $30M) that the US Justice Department has been able to obtain to date. Countrywide was acquired by Bank of America in 2008.

According to the Justice Department, Countrywide charged higher fees and interest rates to over 200,000 Hispanic and black borrowers while directing minorities to more costly subprime mortgages despite the fact that they qualified for prime loans. Meantime, the latter were given to non-Hispanic white borrowers who had similar credit profiles.

To settle Financial Industry Regulatory Authority securities fraud allegations against one of its brokers, Wells Fargo Advisers will pay a $2M fine, as well as repay an unspecified amount to elderly clients that were defrauded. Over 21 senior investors were reportedly targeted by Alfred Chi Chen, who sold them reverse convertible notes even though the majority of them were retired and/or had never invested in this type of complex instrument. A number of investors were in their 80’s and 90’s.

FINRA says that Chen made over $1M in commissions even as the investors sustained losses. He also is accused of not giving discounts on Unit Investment Trust (UIT) transactions even when clients were eligible. As part of its settlement, Wells Fargo will pay restitution to those that should have but did not get the discounts and those that were sold unsuitable investments.

FINRA Executive Vice President and Chief of Enforcement Brad Bennett said that Wells Fargo did not review the reverse convertible transactions to make sure that they were suitable and that investors were harmed as a result. The SRO also determined that Wells Fargo did not give certain clients that were eligible breakpoint and rollover and exchange discounts when they bought UITs because the financial firm’s procedures and systems were not sufficient to properly monitor unsuitable reverse convertibles and ensure that clients got the discounts for which they were eligible. (Discounts should be offered on UIT sales when purchases go beyond certain thresholds or involve termination or redemption proceeds from another UIT during the initial offering period.)

By agreeing to settle, Wells Fargo is not admitting to or denying FINRA’s allegations.

The SRO has filed a separate complaint against Chen, who allegedly exposed clients to risks that were not in line with their investment profiles. As of June 2008, 172 of the accounts he worked with held reverse convertibles. 148 accounts had concentrations over the 50% of their total holdings. 46 accounts had concentrations of over 90%.

Reverse Convertibles
These interest-bearing notes involve repayment of principal connected to an underlying asset’s performance. The specific terms of reverse convertibles may vary. An investor risks loss if the underlying asset’s value drops under a certain maturity level or during the reverse convertible’s term.

It is important for many elderly investors that their investments not expose them to too much risk. For an elderly senior to lose his/her life savings because a financial firm or broker behaved irresponsibly, committed securities fraud, or made an avoidable mistake is unacceptable.

Wells to pay $2M to settle claims broker sold unsuitable investments to seniors, Investment News, December 15, 2011
Wells Fargo Fined by Finra Selling Structured Notes to Aged, Bloomberg, December 15, 2011

More Blog Posts:

Broker-Dealers are Making Reverse Convertible Sales That are Harming Investors, Says SEC, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, July 28, 2011
RBC Wealth Management Unit Ferris Baker Watts to Pay Investors Restitution Over Reverse Convertible Notes Allegations, Says FINRA, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, October 23, 2010
Wells Fargo Settles for $148M Municipal Bond Bid-Rigging Charges Against Wachovia Bank, Institutional Investors Securities Blog, December 8, 2011 Continue Reading ›

Institutional investors that placed their money in over $95B in mortgage-backed securities want the trustees overseeing JP Morgan & Chase. Co.-issued securities to figure out whether certain loans shouldn’t have been included as a result of faulty underwriting. US Bank, Bank of New York Mellon, Wells Fargo & Co., HSBC, and Citibank are the trustees.

PIMCO and BlackRock Inc. are two of the institutional investors requesting the investigation. According to their legal representatives, the group of investors represent over 25% of voting rights on 243 residential mortgage-backed securities. The institutional investors want to know whether mortgages that were not eligible ended up included in the collateral backing the bonds. The investor group is the same one that reached an $8.5 billion securities settlement with Bank of America. (The 22 investors include the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Black Rock Inc., Goldman Sachs Asset Management, MetLife Inc., and PIMCO). However, the settlement is still pending and has been challenged by other mortgage bondholders.

Related to this current requested probe, JP Morgan and its different arms put out the securities between 2005 and 2007. Included were bonds from Washington Mutual and Bear Stearns. About $450 billion in residential MBS were issued by JP Morgan to investors between 2005 and 2008. Approximately $169 billion of that principal is outstanding.

A lot of the loans were not originated at JP Morgan, but the investment bank and its other entities did buy them. JP Morgan has contented that it should be the originator that should buy back the loans that were part of the securities contract.

According to the New York Times, if investors were to settle with JP Morgan by applying the same loss ratio used in arriving at the Bank of America agreement, this figure would probably hit about $1.9 billion. Meantime, JP Morgan must contend with approximately $31 billion in securities class-action cases.

Because of mortgage-related concerns, beginning in 2010, JP Morgan placed $8.5 billion into its reserves for litigation. At the end of the third quarter, the investment bank’s mortgage repurchase reserves were $3.6 billion.

Meantime, state attorneys generals and the Federal Housing Finance Agency continue to look at how investment banks handled mortgage-backed securities leading up to the housing market. More securities litigation from investors is expected.

Investors target JPMorgan over $95 billion of RMBS, Gulf News, December 16, 2011

Mortgage Investors Put J.P. Morgan in Cross Hairs, The Wall Street Journal, December 17, 2011

Bank of America in $8.5 billion settlement, CNN, June 29, 2011

More Blog Posts:
Bank of America’s Merrill Lynch Settles for $315 million Class Action Lawsuit Over Mortgage-Backed Securities, Institutional Investor Securities Blog, December 6, 2011

FDIC Objects to Bank of America’s Proposed $8.5B Settlement Over Mortgage-Backed Securities, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, August 30, 2011

Some of the SEC Charges Against Investment Adviser Over Alleged Involvement In J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Collateralized Debt Obligation Are Dismissed, Institutional Investor Securities Blog, September 24, 2011

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U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn says that MF Global Holdings Inc. can use approximately $21 million in cash collateral from JPMorgan Chase & Co, which is its mortgage lender. In issuing this decision, Glenn overruled customer objections that this money could be part of the $1.2B that has gone missing from their accounts. MF Global and JP Morgan have arrived at an agreement over how the cash will be used.

At the start of MF Global’s bankruptcy, JPMorgan had already consented to let the brokerage firm use $26M. This was per an agreement that would give the investment bank a lien on all MF Global assets.

It was just earlier this month that Glenn ruled that MF Global Inc. clients could recover 72% of what they lost when the broker-dealer filed for bankruptcy. Ruling against objections made by the brokerage firm’s creditors, he approved trustee James Giddens’ request. Per Glenn’s decision, MF Global’s clients can receive another $2.2 billion distribution, which lets them get back .72 on the dollar.

While the majority of the transfers were to go out within a few days, some were expected to take up to four weeks. In a separate decision, the Glenn approved transferring approximately 330 MF Global client securities accounts to Perrin, Holden & Davenport Capital Corp. MF Global has already moved approximately 38,000 commodities accounts to other financial firms.

Glen plans to tackle the issue of physical goods distribution, such as silver and gold bars, next month. Clients have complained about not being able to get their share of ownership of such items, which cannot be physically divided. HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA) has even filed a lawsuit against Giddens. The financial firm is trying to determine whois the owner of the 15 silver bars and five gold bars underlying several Comex contracts between a client and MF Global.

Previous payouts to commodity clients are already at about $2 billion. However, some customers have said they didn’t receive any money from these initial payments.

In other MF Global-related news, CME Group has stopped issuing grants through its primary foundation in the wake of the brokerage firm’s bankruptcy filing. The Chicago-based commodities exchange had issued $22 million to Chicago-area schools and charities in the last five years. CME has said that it will continue to support charitable organizations through other corporate foundations and programs.

In November, CME said it would give ex- MF Global customers the $50 million that was held by CME Trust. Originally meant to assist traders, the trust had turned into a primary source of charitable giving for the exchange operator.

Exclusive: CME Trust’s charity grants halt on MF failure, Reuters, December 18, 2011

MF Global Wins Permission to Use JPMorgan’s Cash as Judge Suggests Probe, Bloomberg, December 14, 2011

MF Global clients get back 72 cents on the dollar, Bloomberg/Investment News, December 9, 2011

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$1.2 Billion of MF Global Inc.’s Clients Money Still Missing, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, December 10, 2011

MF Global Shortfall May Be More than $1.2B, Says Trustee, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, November 26, 2011

MF Global Holdings Ltd. Files for Bankruptcy While Its Broker Faces Liquidation and Securities Lawsuit by SIPC, Institutional Investor Securities Blog, October 31, 2011

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According to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the whereabouts of $1.2M in MF Global Inc. customer funds are still unknown. Lawmakers at a Senate Banking Committee meeting grilled the CFTC officials earlier this week.

Speaking before the panel on Tuesday, CFTC Commissioner Jill Sommers said that the agency still has yet to find all the money. The CFTC began its investigation into MF Global’s collapse after holding company MF Global Holding filed its Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition on October 31. Sommers reported that there are dozens of CFTC staffers working on finding the missing funds.

Meantime, former MF Global head Jon Corzine has said that he, too, doesn’t know where the money went. He issued an apology to employees, customers, and investors who have had to deal with the fallout from brokerage firm’s collapse. Since MF Global announced it was seeking bankruptcy protections, thousands of clients have seen their assets frozen.

Wells Fargo & Co. has agreed to settle for $148 million the civil claims and criminal charges accusing Wachovia Bank of taking part in a bid-rigging scam with other financial firms and overcharging local and state governments on their investments. The settlement resolves allegations that for eight years, Wachovia rigged at least 58 transactions involving proceeds from over $9 billion of municipal bonds. By agreeing to settle, Wells Fargo, which acquired Wachovia three years ago, is not denying or admitting to these allegations.

In its allegations against Wachovia, the SEC said the financial firm earned ill-gotten gains in the millions of dollars by using tips provided about rival bids, turning in bogus bids to give competitors an advantage, and working with some of them to rig auctions so it would benefit. The Justice Department said Wachovia’s illegal behavior corrupted the bidding system for investment contracts while preventing municipalities from getting to avail of a competitive process. However, because the financial firm admitted to the illegal conduct, cooperated with the investigation, took action to deal with anti-competitive behavior, the federal government decided not to prosecute.

Involved in investigating Wachovia were the SEC, attorneys general in more than two dozen states, and the US Justice Department. The federal agencies have been looking at how a number of Wall Street firms and local-government advisers worked together to rig competitive auctions in order to charge excessive fees to public agencies that bought the investments.

More than dozen banks have been named as alleged co-conspirators. Other financial firms that have settled similar claims over muni bond bid-rigging are Bank of America, Corp., UBS AG, and JPMorgan Chase & Co. With this latest settlement, the banks will have paid $673 million to settle the municipal bond-related allegations.

The charges against the financial firms involve investment contracts purchased by cities and state with proceeds from the municipal-bond market. At competitive auctions organized by financial advisers, these contracts should have gone to banks offering the highest return.

According to investigators, what instead ended up happening is that some of these advisers would direct business to a certain bidder in exchange for kickbacks. Meantime, other banks would purposely make bids they knew wouldn’t win to cover up the alleged conspiracy. Because governments usually have to invest bond proceeds in the short term until it is time to spend the cash on public projects, the bogus bidding practices adversely impacted what municipalities ended up paying for reinvestment products. The bid-rigging cost the US Treasury and other governments money.

Wells Fargo Pays $148 Million to Settle Wachovia Muni Bid-Rigging Charges, Bloomberg, December 8, 2011

Wells Settles Wachovia Bid-Rig Case, Wall Street Journal, December 9, 2011

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Bank of America’s Merrill Lynch Settles for $315 million Class Action Lawsuit Over Mortgage-Backed Securities, Institutional Investor Securities Blog, December 6, 2011

Former US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Told Hedge Funds About Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Bailouts in Advance, Institutional Investor Securities Blog, November 30, 2011

$75K FINRA Arbitration Award Against Wells Fargo Advisors LLC For Defaming an Ex-Employee in Form U-5 is Confirmed by District Court, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, November 30, 2011

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