Articles Posted in Financial Firms

A district court judge in Minnesota has ruled that Wells Fargo & Co. must pay four Minnesota nonprofits $15 million or more in costs, fees, and interests for breach of fiduciary and securities fraud. The investment bank has already been slapped with a $29.9 million verdict in this case against plaintiffs the Minnesota Medical Foundation, the Minneapolis Foundation, the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Reinsurance Association, and the Robins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi Foundation for Children.

Judge M. Michael Monahan, in his order filed on Wednesday, scolded Wells Fargo for its “management complacency, if not hubris” that led to investment losses for clients of its securities-lending investment program. He said that he agreed with the jury’s key findings that the financial firm failed to fully disclose that it was revising the program’s risk profile, impartially favored certain participants, and advanced the interest of borrowing brokers. Monahan said that it was evident that Wells Fargo knew of the increased risks it was adding to the securities lending program and that its line managers did not reasonably manage these, which increased the chances that plaintiffs would suffer financial huge harm.

Monahan noted that because Minneapolis litigator Mike Ciresi provided a “public benefit” by revealing the investment bank’s wrongdoing, Wells Fargo has to pay plaintiffs’ legal fees, which Ciresi’s law firm says is greater than $15 million. Also, the financial firm has to give back to the Minnesota nonprofits an unspecified figure in fees (plus interest) that it charged for managing the investment program, in addition to interest going as far back as 2008 on the $29.9 million verdict.

Monahan also overturned the part of the jury verdict that was in Wells Fargo’s favor and is ordering a new trial regarding allegations that the investment bank improperly seized $1.6 million from a bond account of children’s charity as the lending program was failing. The district judge, however, denied the plaintiffs’ motion for a new trial to determine punitive damages.

Judge unloads on Wells Fargo with order on investment program,, December 24, 2010

Wells Fargo ordered to pay $30 million for fraud, Star Tribune, June 2, 2010

Wells Fargo to Pay $30M in Compensatory Damages to Four Nonprofits for Securities Fraud, Stockbroker Fraud Blog, June 3, 2010

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A New York jury has found ex-Goldman Sachs & Co. computer programmer Sergey Aleynikov guilty of one count of transportation of stolen property in interstate and foreign commerce and one count of trade-secret theft. Aleynikov is accused of stealing a specialized computer source code used in high-frequency trading activity from the investment bank.

Aleynikov, who worked for Goldman for two years, allegedly transferred “hundreds of thousands” of source-code lines and took the broker-dealer’s source code with him to Chicago, where he went to work with Teza Technologies LLC, a firm that wanted to compete with Goldman’s high-frequency trading operations. Although Aleynikov admitted to uploading parts of the investment bank’s trading codes, he told the FBI that he hadn’t intend to steal Goldman’s proprietary data.

Per the indictment, Goldman had implemented a number of precautions to protect its proprietary source code, including mandating that workers sign confidentiality agreements and requiring employees to “irrevocably assign to Goldman Sachs” the rights to any discoveries invention, ideas, concepts, or information developed while employed by the brokerage firm.

High-Frequency Trading
High-frequency trading is a trading strategy using sophisticated programs that involve the employment of algorithms that can place a series of sell and buy orders for large blocks of stock at a super fast pace while exploiting tiny price discrepancies. This type of trading has become a key source of revenue for hedge funds and investment firms on Wall Street.

In 2009, high-frequency trading was responsible for about $300 million in revenue for Goldman. This is less than 1% of the broker-dealers $45 billion in revenue.

Related Web Resources:
United States v. Aleynikov, Indictment (PDF)

Former Goldman Programmer Found Guilty of Code Theft, NY Times, December 10, 2010

Former Goldman Sachs Programmer Found Guilty After Stealing Computer Code, Security Week, December 14, 2010

Goldman Sachs, Stockbroker Fraud Blog

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Superior Court Judge Frances McIntyre has denied brokerage firm Oppenheimer & Co.‘s request to impound hundreds of records that are key in a dispute with an ex-employee. The ex-employee is James Dever, who used to be a manager at the broker-dealer’s Boston office. Judge McIntyre found that public interest in the records “substantially outweighs” the financial firm’s interest in keep the documents in secret.

Oppenheimer has been especially invested in keeping two documents confidential. One document is ann internal memo about a 2004 audit involving the Boston branch. Dever has contended that he needs the document to prove that Oppenheimer hid facts for its own protection and so that it could blame him for the alleged financial fraud committed by broker Stephen J. Toussaint, who stole $135,000 from a couple of senior investors.

Dever says that Oppenheimer did not act upon his advice when in 2004 he pressed the brokerage firm to let go of Toussaint. The ex-Oppenheimer manager says that Oppenheimer fired him because he wouldn’t lie to regulators about the broker, who ended up in jail over a related case. Dever also says that no real audit took place in 2004, which is a claim that Oppenheimer has said is “baseless and without merit.”

He contends that because his name is linked to the Toussaint securities case, which Oppenheimer and its Albert “Bud” G. Lowenthal settled with Massachusetts for $1 million, he has had a hard time finding clients and work.

The case puts to the test the confidential arbitration system that has been set up to resolve disputes within the investment industry. Whether it is an employee or a customer is in a dispute with a brokerage firm, almost all disagreements with a brokerage firm have to go to arbitration.

Related Web Resources:
Judge tells Oppenheimer to reveal documents,, December 21, 2010
Secrecy Order May Go Too Far, December 30, 2009 Continue Reading ›

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is affirming a district court’s ruling that Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. does not need to arbitrate a disputes over auction-rate securities losses suffered by the state of Louisiana and the Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District (known collectively as LSED). The court noted that even assuming that LSED was entitled to arbitration, the district court reached the right conclusion when it found that LSED waived its right to arbitrate when it made known that it intended to resolve its ARS dispute through litigation and took numerous steps to make this happen.

Per the court, LSED, which owns the New Orleans Superdome, retained Merrill Lynch as the broker-dealer and underwriter to restructure its bond debt. After Hurricane Katrina damaged the Superdome, LSED also looked to Merrill about financing the repairs.

In 2006, LSED issued $240 million in municipal bonds as ARS. LSED’s auctions failed in 2008.

In 2009, LSED filed ARS lawsuits against three Merrill entities and bond insurer Financial Guaranty Insurance Co. One complaint was submitted to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana, while another was filed in Louisiana state court. The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation would go on to centralize the cases, along with other ARS lawsuits, in the Southern District of New York. Meantime, the defendants sent a letter to LSED asserting that the plaintiff could not obtain relief on the basis of the factual allegations it submitted in its lawsuit.

Prior to filing its third amended complaint, LSED suggested that the case be resolved in arbitration. When the defendants did not respond, LSED moved to compel arbitration. It claimed that because Merrill subsidiary Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc. is a Financial Industry Regulatory Authority member, the broker-dealer is required to arbitrate customer disputes.

The district court denied LSED’s motion.

Related Web Resources:
Louisiana Stadium & Exposition District v. Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc. (PDF)

Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District

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Two former Wachovia Securities LLC brokers, Eddie W. Sawyers and William K. Harrison, have been charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission with six counts of securities fraud. The two men, who previously operated Harrison/Sawyers Financial Services, are accused of defrauding at least 42 elderly investors of their retirement savings, which resulted in some $8 million in financial losses. The SEC is seeking a permanent injunction against the two men and their representatives from further violations of securities regulations, as well as the repayment of the funds (with interest) and civil penalties.

Per the SEC, between December 2007 and October 2008, Sawyers and Harrison, who are related by marriage, pitched investments with Harrison/Sawyers Financial Services to Wachovia clients. They claimed the investments were “foolproof,” a “sure thing,” and an opportunity to make a 35% without risking their principal investment. This was not, however, the case. One couple, who Sawyers convinced that they should invest $100,000 later discovered that only $16,000 remained in their account.

The SEC claims that the two men solicited unsophisticated clients who were heavily invested in equities and mutual funds and had a conservative investment approach. Sawyers and Harrison also transferred assets to online options-trading accounts under their control.

While some online optionsXpress accounts were set up in clients’ names, others were in accounts under the name of Harrison’s spouse Deana or under both both their names. Clients did not receive statements from the group.

After getting a client’s signature on a blank-trading authorization form, Deanna Harrison would then be appointed the client’s power of attorney and agent for the accounts. In 2008, Sawyers and Harrison allegedly took out $234,000 from three client accounts as compensation for their services.

The SEC says that in a resignation letter to Wachovia, Harrison confessed to misdirecting about $6.6 million from 17 Wachovia clients to trade online. He also admitted that he ran the online trading without getting the authorization of Wachovia or the investors.

Wachovia says that the minute they discovered the alleged securities fraud, it notified its primarily regulator, cooperated with regulators and law enforcement, and took proactive steps to give clients that were impacted full restitution.

Related Web Resources:
Former Wachovia brokers charged with defrauding elderly customers in Surry, losing $8 million, Winston-Salem Journal, December 17, 2010
SEC accuses 2 NC brokers of defrauding clients, Bloomberg/AP, December 16, 2010
Wachovia, Stockbroker Fraud Blog
Institutional Investor Securities Blog
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Bank of America has agreed to pay $137 million to settle charges that it was involved in a financial scheme that allowed it to pay cities, states, and school districts low interest rates on their investments. The financial firm allegedly conspired with rivals to share municipalities’ investment business without having to pay market rates. As a result, government bodies in “virtually every state, district, and territory” in this country were paid artificially suppressed yields or rates on municipal bond offerings’ invested proceeds.

Bank of America has agreed to pay $36 million to the Securities and Exchange Commission and $101 million to federal and state agencies. The Los Angeles Times is reporting that $67 million will go to 20 US states. BofA will also make payments to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Internal Revenue Service. The SEC contends that from 1998 to 2002 the investment bank broke the law in 88 separate deals.

In its Formal Agreement with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Bank of America agreed to strengthen its procedures, policies, and internal controls over competitive bidding in the department where the alleged illegal conduct took place, as well as take action to make sure that sufficient procedures, policies, and controls exist related to competitive bidding on an enterprise wide basis. The OCC is accusing the investment bank of taking part in a bid-ridding scheme involving the sale and marketing of financial products to non-profit organizations, including municipalities.

Per their Formal Agreement, the bank must pay profits and prejudgment interest from 38 collateralized certificate of deposit transactions to the non-profits that suffered financial harm in the scam. Total payment is $9,217,218.

Related Web Resources:

Bank of America to Pay $137 Million in Muni Cases, Bloomberg, December 7, 2010

OCC, Bank of America Enter Agreement Requiring Payment of Profits Plus Interest to Municipalities Harmed by Bid-Rigging on Financial Products, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, December 7, 2010

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A district court has rejected Goldman Sachs & Co.’s (GS ) challenge to a $20.5 million securities fraud award for unsecured creditors of the failed Bayou hedge funds. The unsecured creditors are blaming the investment bank of failing to look at certain red flags and, as a result, facilitating the massive scam. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York said it was sustaining the award issued by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority arbitration panel.

The court said that contrary to Goldman’s argument, the FINRA panel “did not ‘manifestly disregard the law’ when reaching its conclusion. Also, the court noted that the panel had found that Goldman Sachs Execution and Clearing unit was not innocent of wrongdoing in that it failed to take part in a “diligent investigation” that could have uncovered the fraud.

The Bayou Hedge Funds group collapsed in 2005. According to regulators, investors lost over $450 million as a result of the false performance data and audit opinions that were issued. The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Justice Department sued the group’s founders, Daniel Marino and Samuel Israel III over the investors’ financial losses and the firm’s collapse. Both men have pleaded guilty to criminal charges and are behind bars.

The court not only disagreed with the Goldman Sachs clearing unit that the panel was not in manifest disregard of the law, but also, it found that as Goldman’s client agreements with the Bayou funds provided it with “broad discretion” over the use of securities and money in the funds’ accounts, it was not unusual for a “reasonable arbitrator” to find that Goldman’s rights in relation to the accounts provided it with “sufficient dominion and control to create transferee liability.”

Related Web Resources:

Court Rebuffs Goldman ChallengeTo $20.5M Bayou Arbitration Award, BNA, December 9, 2010

Goldman Sachs, Stockbroker Fraud Blog

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Sanjeev Jayant Kumar Shah, a former Smith Barney financial services adviser, has pleaded guilty to one count of securities fraud and three counts of wire fraud over his involvement in a securities scam to bilk clients of Citibank and his firm. Shah was charged with diverting about $3.25 million from a foreign bank client and fabricating documents that he claimed were from bank representatives.

He is also accused of falsely saying that the transfers were required for bond purchases and that he would send statements showing these purchases. Prosecutors say that he attempted to cover up the scam by telling clients that a computer mistake had kept the bonds from showing up online bank statements and that had had bought the bonds for the bank.

The securities fraud charge comes with a 20 year maximum penalty plus a fine. Each wire fraud charge carries a maximum 30 years in prison penalty and also a fine.

Shah was at Citigroup unit Smith Barney for 3 ½ years. Citigroup says that it was the one that brought the case to the attention of the Department of Justice.

Securities Fraud
Our securities fraud lawyers are committed to helping our clients recover their financial losses. The most common investor claims against brokers and investment advisers can involve issues such as:

• Unsuitability • Registration violations • Margin account abuse • Unauthorized trading • Breach of fiduciary duty • Breach of contract • Failure to execute trades • Overconcentration • Negligence • Churning • Misrepresentation and omissions • Failure to supervise
Read the guilty plea,, November 24, 2010 (PDF)

Former Smith Barney adviser admits $3 million fraud, Reuters, November 24, 2010
Former Smith Barney adviser admits $3 mln fraud, CNBC, November 24, 2010 Continue Reading ›

The US District Court has approved an amendment to the proposed Charles Schwab Corporation Securities Litigation settlement. The Supplemental Notice of Proposed Settlement of Class Action has been sent to the affected class members, which includes those who may have held Schwab YieldPlus Fund shares on September 1, 2006 and gotten more of them between May 31, 2006 and March 17, 2008. Shares may have been obtained through a dividend reinvestment in the Fund or through purchase. Affected class members cannot have been a resident of California on September 1, 2006.

The Supplemental Notice notes that there has been a clarification in the release claims’ scope that affected class members will be giving Schwab if they decide to take part in the settlement. More claims than those in the federal securities class litigation are now included in the amended release. Class members now have another chance opt out of the class action complaint.

Exclusion Deadline: Your notice of exclusion must be postmarked no later than January 14, 2011 and cannot be received after January 21, 2011.

TV star Larry Hagman, best known for playing the roles of Texas oil tycoon JR Ewing on “Dallas” and Major Anthony Nelson on “I Dream of Jeannie,” recently won an $11.6 million securities fraud arbitration award against Citigroup. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority says that the award is the largest that has been issued to an individual investor for 2010 and the ninth largest ever. Citi Global Markets is now seeking to dismiss the award.

The investment firm contends that the arbitration panel’s chairman did not disclose a possible conflict of interest. In its petition, Citi cites a FINRA rule obligating arbitrators to reveal such conflicts that could prevent them from issuing an impartial ruling. The financial firm claiming that because the arbitration panel head was once a plaintiff in a lawsuit that dealt with the same type of claims and subject matter, he had an undisclosed potential conflict. Hagman’s legal team have since responded with a memo arguing that the arbitrator’s lawsuit was not related to this complaint and did not involve a securities investment, the same parties, or the same facts.

Hagman and his wife Maj had accused Citigroup of securities fraud, breach of fiduciary duty, and other allegations. They claimed financial losses on bonds and stocks and a life insurance policy. In addition to the arbitration award, which consists of $1.1 million in compensatory damages and $10 million in punitive damages that will go to a charity of Hagman’s choice, Citigroup must also pay a 10% interest on the award.

Related Web Resources:
Messing With J.R., Take Four, NY Times, November 23, 2010
Actor Larry Hagman Wins $12 Million in Finra Case With Citigroup, Bloomberg, October 7, 2010

Citigroup’s petition to dismiss award to Larry Hagman

Citigroup, Stockbroker Fraud Blog Continue Reading ›

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