Articles Posted in Financial Firms

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has affirmed the dismissal of LSF5 Bond Holdings LLC and Lone Star Fund V (U.S.) L.P.’s $60 million securities fraud claims against Barclays Capital Inc. and Barclays Bank PLC. The court noted that Barclays never represented that the mortgage pass-through certificates purchased by the private equity firms did not have delinquent mortgages. Also, the court said that seeing as the language used in the parties’ agreement obligated Barclays to substitute or repurchase delinquent representation, Lone Star failed to allege misrepresentation.

In 2006, Barclays bought mortgage loans from then-subprime lender New Century Capital Corp. Barclays then pooled about 10,000 mortgage loans into the BR3 and BR2 Trusts. The trusts then gave out pass-through certificates or mortgage-backed securities. $60 million of the securities were bought by LSF5.

Although trust offerings supplements and prospectuses included representations and warranties that as of “transfer service dating” the mortgage pools did not have any 30-day delinquencies, Lone Star found that nearly 300 of the BR2 mortgages were at least 30 days delinquent beginning the date of purchase. 850 mortgages in the BR3 Trust were also over 30 days overdue.

Lone Star filed a Texas securities fraud lawsuit against Barclays claiming that the delinquent loans were misrepresentations on the investment bank’s part. Barclays sought to have the lawsuit dismissed, arguing that if there were delinquent loans then Barclays must either substitute or repurchase them.

The district court turned down Lone Star’s remand request and agreed with Barclay’s interpretation of the language in the agreement. The court dismissed the case. The appeals court upheld the dismissal.

Related Web Resources:
Lone Star Fund V (U.S), LP et al v. Barclays Bank PLC et al, Justia Federal District Court Filings and Dockets
Read the 5th Circuit Opinion (PDF)
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Joseph P. Collins, a former Mayor Brown partner, has been sentenced to seven years in prison for his role in a $2.45 billion investment fraud scheme involving Refco Inc. He had hoped to obtain a more lenient sentence.

In July 2009, a jury found Collins guilty of wire fraud and securities fraud, as well as conspiracy to commit wire fraud, securities fraud, money laundering, bank fraud, and making false filings with the SEC. During his criminal trial, his defense attorneys argued that he did not know about the Refco fraud scam. However, while Southern Judge Patterson said that he believes Collins did not commit his crimes out of greed, Patterson noted what he called the firm partner’s “excessive loyalty” to his biggest client. According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Christopher J. Garcia, Collins brought in over $40 million to his law firm from his work with Refco.

Collins provided legal counsel and drafted documents that Refco principals used to conceal the company’s actual financial state while they made themselves wealthier. The government says that the documents were used to defraud Thomas H. Lee Partners, which owned a majority stake in Refco, and investors who purchased IPO shares in 2005.

A FINRA arbitration panel is ordering SunTrust Robinson Humphrey, Inc. to pay $4.1 million to a former institutional salesperson who claims he was defamed in a regulatory filing and wrongfully terminated. SunTrust Robinson Humphrey is the corporate and investment bank services unit of SunTrust Banks, Inc.

Lance B. Beck, who worked for the company 19 years and sold debt securities, claims he was slated to gross more than $3 million when, following the auction-rate securities market collapse, he was let go. According to a regulatory filing for the former institutional salesman, his case against his former employer involves a $2.9 million ARS transaction with a institutional customer. SunTrust later decided to repurchase the securities.

Beck is accusing SunTrust of making disclosures on his Form U5 that were “devastating,” and prevented him from getting hired by other companies or take his book of business with him. Beck wanted certain language in the form, which brokerage firms have to submit to regulators when a broker leaves the company, expunged.

A shareholder derivative complaint filed by Security Police and Fire Professionals of America Retirement Fund and Judith A. Miller Living Trust is accusing Goldman Sachs Group Inc. executives of breaching their fiduciary duties for failing to modify the investment firm’s compensation policies according to the best interests of shareholders.

Goldman’s usual policy is to place 44-48% of its net revenue in employee compensation, which includes bonuses. The plaintiffs say these breaches were even greater this year because of federal funding that the investment bank received in 2008 and 2009. According to the complaint, this means that although the firm’s revenues are not related to employee performance, Goldman executives are still being rewarded for corporate performance.

Goldman Sachs is expected to pay its employees about $22 billion (including bonuses) this year. Now, the plaintiffs are seeking to recover billions of dollars in compensation.

Goldman Sachs was the recipient of a $10 billion TARP loan. Pension fund officials claim the investment firm’s revenue for the year can largely be attributed to taxpayer money. In 2008, Goldman generated $29 billion in cash by issuing debts that the Federal Deposit Insurance Company had insured. It then obtained money from contractual counterparties that got their assets from taxpayers.

Meantime, Goldman Sachs says the claim is without merit. Earlier this month, the investment firm announced that its 30 most senior executives would receive their bonuses in the form of restricted stock instead of cash.

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein is one of the executives named as defendants in the lawsuit.

Related Web Resources:
Read the Shareholder Derivative Complaint (PDF)

Pension fund sues Goldman over executive pay, Pensions and Investments, December 15, 2009 Continue Reading ›

A judge has turn down JPMorgan Chase‘s request that a petitioner pay the investment bank $9,122 for providing subpoenaed documents to confirm an arbitration award. Instead, Judge Arthur Schack issued an 11-page ruling granting just $1.250.27 to JPMorgan Chase for producing 18,248 pages.

The investment bank had sought to bill Abraham Klein, who was granted a multimillion-dollar arbitration award against Caring Home Care Agency and Christine Persaud, $.25/page at $25/hour for 182 hours of research. JP Morgan Chase said it cost $4,550 to find and retrieve the documents and $4,580 to print them.

Schack called the astronomical bill an example of greed among Wall Street’s ‘fat cat bankers.’ He noted that the court does not serve as a collection agency for making rich bankers even richer and called JPMorgan Chase head James S. Dimon the investment firm’s “fattest cat,” considering that he was compensated almost $20 million last year.

Schack reduced JPMorgan Chase’s bill by lowering the quoted hourly fee to $6.55, which is Indiana’s minimum wage. He also awarded the investment bank 1 cent/ page based on page prices found on major stationary supplier Web sites. He also said that because JPMorgan Chase posted 16,317 of the 18,248 pages online, rather than printing them, the bank should receive payment for labor and not supplies for those pages.

Klein says that not only did JPMorgan Chase seek reimbursement for documents it never produced, but also it sent over thousands of documents that hd did not request. JPMorgan Chase is denying the allegations.

There have been too many occasions involving investment banks that have sought to take financial advantage of investors and other clients. You can obtain compensation for the financial harm that you have suffered.

Related Web Resources:
Judge Slashes ‘Fat Cat’ Bank’s Bill for Subpoenaed Documents,, December 28, 2009
Courts See Recession’s Toll; Judge Schack Strikes Again, The Wall Street Journal, December 28, 2009
Obama Slams ‘Fat Cat’ Bankers, Wall Street Journal, December 14, 2009
Judge Arthur Schack, NY Courts Continue Reading ›

A new judge will preside over the case against two former brokers accused of defrauding over 130 Nebraska investors of over $20 million. Gage County District Judge Paul Korslund takes over for Sarpy County District Judge David Arterbur, who recused himself over possible conflicts.

Prosecutors are accusing Brian Schuster and Rebecca Engle, previously affiliated with Wachovia Securities LLC, Capital Growth Financial LLC, and VSR Financial Services Inc., of improperly selling risky investments to former clients when they worked together between 2000 and 2007. The two of them entered not guilty pleas to eight felony counts of securities fraud.

The investments under dispute were sold to investors while Capital Growth employed the two brokers. Investors say they bought securities in American Capital Corp. and Royal Palm. PrimEdge Inc. eventually bought both companies and Schuster became PrimEdge chief executive and president.

Over 200 investors will share a settlement of approximately $900,000 to be paid by the brokers’ ex-employers. Quanta Specialty Lines Insurance Co. will pay for most of it on behalf of Capital Growth. However this recovery is just a small portion of the over $20 million dollars in broker fraud losses that investors are claiming.

The majority of investors that have filed securities fraud lawsuits and arbitration claims were either nearing retirement or already retired when they were defrauded. They had wanted to make stable, low risk, conservative investments and they claim that the former brokers made investments for them in risky ventures without fully explaining what was involved. Engle and Schuster, however, say they shouldn’t be prosecuted for securities fraud because investors acknowledged the risks in writing.

Related Web Resources:
Judge appointed in fraud cases of ex Neb. Brokers, AP, December 22, 2009 Insurer to Pay Bulk of $900K Settlement in Nebraska Fraud Case, Insurance Journal, July 23, 2009 Continue Reading ›

One of the leading private advocacy groups in the country is urging investors who lost money in the Charles Schwab YieldPlus funds to opt out of the class action lawsuit so they can file individual arbitration claims. The Wall Street Fraud Watchdog sees no reason why you should accept up to 20 cents on the dollar when you can get back more with an individual claim filed with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The deadline for opting out is Monday, December 28, 2009.

Investors that may qualify as class members acquired Schwab YieldPlus Fund shares between May 31, 2006 and March 17, 2008. In California, residents who held shares from this fund beginning September 1, 2006 also are part of this class action.

Like the Wall Street Fraud Watchdog, our stockbroker fraud lawyers believe it is unfair that investors should get so little back for so much investment. Shepherd Smith Edwards & Kantas LTD LLP represents investors throughout the US who suffered financial losses from investing in Schwab YieldPlus funds. Investors say they were deceived about the risks involved when the funds allegedly were marketed and sold as cash alternatives. Investors also have accused Schwab of leaving out key information in the YieldPlus funds disclosure and registration statements. Schwab denies the allegations.

The Justice Department says Credit Suisse will pay a $365 million settlement for violating US economic sanctions. According to US Attorney General and Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, the bank carried out secret transactions from Cuba, Libya, Iran, Burma, and Sedan that allowed “rogue players access to US dollars.”

The Justice Department says Credit Suisse admits to violating the International Emergency Economic Powers Act. The probe has resulted in about $1 billion in fines for the banks involved in the case. Credit Suisse reportedly stopped doing this kind of business in 2005, cooperated with investigators, and took additional measures to prevent this type of activity from happening again.

Under Credit Suisse’s deferred prosecution deal, however, the investment bank could be subject to further prosecution if more problems arise.

Holder says Credit Suisse showed clients how to transfer payments without capturing the attention of US authorities. He also claims that Credit Suisse profited by disregarding the law. Among the illegal activities, according to the Manhattan’s district attorney’s office, Credit Suisse,

• Between 2002 and 2006, processed over $700 million in payments that were in violation of US sanctions.
• Processed $1.1 billion in payments while concealing their Iranian ties.
• Illegally invested $150 million for two banned state-affiliated banks, one in Sudan and another in Lebanon.

Several other banks are under investigation for disregarding US sanctions. Morgenthau promises these banks are facing harsh penalties. Earlier this year, Lloyds TBS agreed to pay $350 million for helping Sudan and Iran despite US sanctions. Last month, federal authorities confiscated about $500 million in real-estate and bank deposits from Alavi Foundation for allegedly facilitating intelligence and financial activities for Iran. In 2008, a Manhattan federal court froze $2 billion that Citigroup was allegedly holding for Iran.

Related Web Resources:
Credit Suisse fine bigger w/o cooperation- US, Forbes/Reuters, December 16, 2009
Credit Suisse’s Secret Deals, The Wall Street Journal, December 17, 2009
International Emergency Economic Powers Act
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The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ( FINRA) has launched an investigation into improper trading in advance of stock research and ratings at Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and ten other financial firms, it was reported today by the Wall Street Journal and Reuters News Service.

FINRA – formerly the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) – has since August examined weekly meetings at Goldman Sachs where research analysts offer tips to traders and then to big clients. According to the Wall Street Journal, this examination has now been expanded to include ten other firms and FINRA is now seeking information concerning any meetings where unpublished research opinions or trading ideas were disclosed to non-research employees or clients.

“FINRA does not reveal names of firms that have received sweep letters,” said its spokesman Herb Perone to Reuters. Citigroup, JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley could reportedly not be reached immediately for comment.
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Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. has filed an adversary complaint against Barclays Capital Inc. requesting the return of billions of dollars in extra profit that it says the latter made when buying Lehman’s North American brokerage business last year. Lehman says that Barclays failed to disclose that it received an illegal payment of at least $5 billion as part of the asset sale transaction. Barclays says that the asset sale terms were delineated in documents that Lehman executives signed.

Lehman is alleging breach of contract, aiding and abetting breach of fiduciary duty, and several violations of the US bankruptcy code. Lehman is seeking punitive damages, compensatory damages, post-judgment interest, return of excess assets, avoidance of excess asset transfers, disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, and, pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 502(d), disallowance of Barclays claims against Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.

According to the adversary complaint, Lehman and Barclays executives made an agreement that Barclays would buy Lehman’s US brokerage business, key real estate pieces, and related support systems. A bankruptcy court approved the deal.

Now, however, Lehman claims that the Sale Transaction were secretly put together in a manner that gave Barclays a huge, immediate windfall profit: Specifically, an undisclosed $5 billion off the book value of assets that were moved to Barclays and later, the undisclosed transfers of billions of dollars in ‘additional value.’

Barclays, however, says that the $5 billion “discount” is in fact the difference between the $45 billion it paid and the $49.7 billion nominal value of Lehman collateral that Barclays assumed and paid for the Lehman assets.

Related Web Resource:
Read the Lehman Brothers Lawsuit
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