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Financial Firms Securities News: Bear Stearns Can Bid for $160M Insurance Coverage, Deloitte Pays NY $10M, Fraud Sentences Against Two Ex-Brokers Are Affirmed
Bear Stearns Allowed $160M Insurance Settlement Coverage Bid
The New York Court of Appeals said that JP Morgan Chase & Co’s (JPM), Bear Stearns & Co. (BSC) can go ahead with its attempt to obtain insurance coverage for the $160 million it disgorged in an SEC case over alleged wrongdoing involving mutual fund practices. Justice Victoria Graffeo says the evidence presented is not a decisive repudiation of Bear Stearn’s claim that the payment amount was largely determined by the profits of others and therefore the case cannot be dismissed at this time.
The SEC accused Bear Stearns of helping certain clients, mostly big hedge funds, take part in deceptive market timing and late trading, which let them reap profits of hundreds of millions of dollars at cost to mutual fund shareholders. The financial firm settled by consenting to pay $160 million in disgorgement and $90 million in civil penalties.