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Investment Advisors Report: SEC Division Reviews Application of Investment Advisers Act, New Commission Unit Will Watch For Adviser Risk, & Just 1 in 10 SEC Exams Leads to Enforcement Action
SEC Division Reviews Investment Advisers Act As It Applies to Private Fund Advisers
Currently examining the way applies the 1940 Investment Advisers Act to private fund advisers, the Securities and Exchange Commission is reportedly concentrating specifically on the areas of Form ADV and advertising. SEC Division of Investment Manager Director Norm Champ, who recently spoke at an Investment Adviser Association compliance conference, said that rules related to both areas might have to be modified in the wake of changes brought about due to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
The Advisers Act’s Rule 206(4)-1 doesn’t let adviser use advertising that includes misleading or false statements or refers to testimonials. Champ, however, noted that because of the advent of new forms of communications, including social media, as well as the birth of new business models since the rule was promulgated decades ago, there might be a need to revise the rule. As to Form ADV, which new registrants to the SEC must fill out, Champ pointed out that the way it is designed may not be take into consideration the sometimes complex nature of private funds.