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“America’s Prophet” Psychic Accused of Multimillion-Dollar Investment Fraud
According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Sean David Morton has bilked more than 100 investors of over six million dollars as the mastermind of an alleged offering fraud scheme. The man who calls himself “America’s Prophet” never professed to have a financial background. However, he is accused of promising prospective investors that he would use his psychic gifts to predict the movements of the stock market and advise his investing team.
The SEC claims Morton told investors he would use their funds to trade in foreign currencies and that profits would be distributed pro rata among them. The federal agency says that Morton, who describes himself as an intuitive consultant and trained Remote Viewer, lied to these investors about having a successful track record for being able to predict when the market will rise and crash. He also allegedly lied about how their money would be used, fund liquidity, and that profits were audited and certified.
Morton allegedly invested only half of the investors’ money in foreign currency trading firms. He is accused of diverting the rest, including at least $240,000 into his Prophecy Research Institute, a nonprofit religious group. Morton also allegedly commingled investors’ funds among the different entity accounts. The SEC contends that the defendant did not seek accreditation status from Delphi Investment Group investors.
Morton, Vajra Productions LLC, Magic Eight Ball Distributing, Inc., 27 Investments LLC, and Delphi Investment Group are the defendants in the SEC’s investment fraud lawsuit. Morton’s wife, Melissa, and Prophecy Research Institute are named relief defendants. The Mortons controls the entity defendants.
Federal regulators continue to warn investors that they must make sure that anyone they entrust with investing their funds is properly licensed. Unfortunately, many people are misled into investing in securities scams that end up costing them their hard-earned money and financial security.
Related Web Resources:
Investment ‘Psychic’ Accused of Financial Fraud, ABC News, March 8, 2010
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