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GM, Ford, Chrysler Retirees: Beware of Financial Advisors Seeking to Invest Your Severance!
About 7,500 General Motors workers have agreed to a buyout of early retirement incentives and leave, the company reported today. Chrysler has also agreed to extend its offers bo buy-out workers beyond tomorrow. This follows tens of thousands of other autoworkers workers who were in recent years persuaded to retire and retire early and receive large sums of money.
Unfortunately, many retiring persons have little if any experience in investing. Enter droves of salespersons hawking financial plans. In the past, strict laws and regulations were enforced regarding investors’ funds, especially retirement funds. As we have recently witnessed, securities regulators are apparently overwhelmed or incompetent. This has resulted in tragic results recently as retirees have not only lost their careers but also their only safety net.
For decades, Wall Street has blamed abuse of investors on a few “rogue” brokers. Now many believe it is Wall Street itself that is rotten to the core. In fact, the majority of financial advisors sincerely and diligently seek to serve their clients. Yet, many products they are told to sell are inappropriate, riddled with costs or just plain fraudulent. As well, too many of the worst of advisors attract unwary investors with false promises.
Victims of financial abuse are also often unaware they can recover undue investment losses according to the law. They must understand, however, that regulators “police” the industry, and write tickets when they catch the bad guys. In order to recover, victims almost always have to hire an attorney to represent them in court or securities arbitration.
Our law firm has represented thousands of investors, most who lost retirement funds, and many who are former autoworkers. If you or someone you know has lost retirement funds you feel were invested improperly, contact us today for a free consultation.
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