New York Non-Traded REIT Fraud Attorneys

New York Non-Traded REIT Fraud Attorneys. Fighting For NY Investors Who Suffered Unnecessary Losses Because of Broker Misconduct

Whether you live in Manhattan or anywhere in The Empire State, if you sustained serious losses involving non-traded real estate investment trusts (non-traded REITs), Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( is the New York securities law firm to contact for a free, initial case consultation. From our Buffalo, NY non-traded REIT law office, we represent retail investors, retirees, accredited investors, wealthy investors, and institutional investors against Wall Street broker-dealers and financial firms all over the United States.

I’ve Suffered Non-Traded Real Estate Investment Trust Losses. Why Do I Need Seasoned Legal Help?

Real estate investments are alternative investments. Even non-traded REITs, which are generally open to retail investors and unsophisticated investors can be complex, non-transparent, and risky. They can lead to serious losses, especially when there is market volatility or questionable behavior on the part of its leadership.

There may not be a lot of information available for an investor to properly assess whether a non-traded REIT is appropriate for them. Yet, they remain popular because they offer retail investors the chance to get involved in commercial real estate they wouldn’t otherwise have access to and there are supposed tax benefits.

Yet one of the problems that arises is that because of the high commissions and fees (of up to 15% if not more) from REITs, there are financial advisors that will market this alternative investment to a client even when it is an unsuitable investment recommendation. Our New York non-traded real estate investment trust loss lawyers cannot tell you how many people have come to us reporting huge losses while claiming that their broker never fully apprised them of the risks.

More often than not, a retail investor or a senior retiree will claim that their broker-dealer misrepresented a particular non-traded REIT as a safe, low-risk proposition. Other allegations against brokerage firms involving non-traded real estate investment trust sales have included due diligence failures, breach of fiduciary duty, overconcentration, breach of fiduciary duty, fraud, negligence, gross negligence, and failure to supervise.

Brokerage firms and investment advisers are highly unlikely to admit to financial advisor fraud or negligence. If anything, they may even try to deny your claim of loss or place the blame on you. It is important that you try not to resolve your dispute with them on your own as some may even stonewall or sabotage your efforts.

You want to hire savvy Buffalo non-traded REIT loss lawyers that know how to maximize your chances for a full recovery while advocating for you. This will include filing your investment loss recovery claim in Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) arbitration where such disputes are brought. Even if your financial advisor had nothing to do with a non-traded REIT’s failure, you still may be able to hold them liable for their careless or wrongful actions that ended up exposing you to a bad investment.

Why Hire Our Trusted New York Non-Traded REIT Lawyers? 

For over 30 years, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas has fought for New York investors and others throughout the United States in pursuing the damages they are owed because of stockbroker misconduct or negligence. We are skilled and knowledgeable in our efforts. Thousands of our clients have collectively recouped many millions of dollars in arbitration, mediation, or litigation.

Many of us at the firm started out as financial advisors in the brokerage industry. After witnessing a lot of bad behaviors and unsavory practices, we left to become securities lawyers so that we could fight for investors and protect their legal rights.

When you work with us, you aren’t just hiring one of our Buffalo, NY non-traded REIT loss attorneys, you are retaining our entire New York securities firm with more than 100 years of combined experience in securities law and the securities industry.

We have represented investors in over 1000 matters and there is no securities claim that is too challenging for us. We have the resources and manpower to see your case to its conclusion. More than 90% of our clients have received full or partial financial recovery.

Contact Our Buffalo, New York Non-Traded REIT Fraud Attorneys Office:

In the boroughs of New York City, Erie County, Queens County, Kings County, or anywhere else in the New York State, call (716) 261-3529 or (800) 259-9010

Sheridan Meadows Corporate Park South
6225 Sheridan Dr #308-B
Buffalo, NY 14221

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