Oil and Gas Investment Lawyers

Did Suspended Vanderbilt Securities Broker Kurt Berry Sell You Resolute/PetroRock Investments?

Our Oil and Gas Investment Lawyers Are Investigating Investor Losses

If you sustained losses in a Resolute/PetroRock investment, contact Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas (investorlawyers.com) today. We are looking into investor losses, particularly those involving retirees and retail investors whose financial advisors may have unsuitably sold over $250M of these unregistered equity and debt securities to them.

One of the former brokers we are investigating related to Resolute/PetroRock investments is ex-Vanderbilt Securities registered representative Kurt Allen Berry, who last month was suspended for six months by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). The self-regulatory organization (SRO) contends that Berry involved customers in private securities transactions without giving prior written notice to or gaining the approval of the firms where he was a registered representative. This is known as selling away.

FINRA found that Berry’s customers invested more than $517K in oil and gas wells via securities offerings. These were his clients, or the relatives of clients, at First Advisors National LLC where he is a registered investment adviser. Berry also is the owner of Stillwater Financial. Prior to Vanderbilt Securities, he was a Regulus Advisors stockbroker. Berry was a registered representative at other broker-dealers during his 19 years in the industry.

Last year, investors filed a Resolute/PetroRock investment loss recovery claim involving Kurt Berry in which they are seeking $473K in damage. The claimants contend that these oil and gas products were misrepresented as “safe,” in line with their goals to make money, preserve principal, and provide tax benefits. Meanwhile, Berry allegedly did not discuss the risks involved in these alternative investments with them.

What Are Resolute/PetroRock Oil and Energy Investments?

Resolute Capital Partners, PetroRock Mineral Holdings, and Homebound Resources issued these oil and gas investments that may have caused investors significant losses:

  • Strategic Energy Assets III
  • Strategic Energy Assets IV
  • Strategic Energy Assets V
  • Strategic Energy Assets VI
  • Strategic Energy Assets VII
  • Strategic Energy Assets VIII
  • Advantage Capital Holdings I
  • Legacy Energy I
  • Legacy Energy II
  • PetroRock Mineral Holdings Lenders Fund I
  • PetroRock Mineral Holdings Lenders Fund II
  • PetroRock Mineral Holdings Lenders Fund III
  • PetroRock Mineral Holdings Lenders Fund IV
  • Choice Energy Fund I
  • Choice Energy Fund II
  • Choice Energy Fund III

These investments were sold by financial advisors who likely earned high commissions and fees from the transactions.

Why Work With Our Trusted Oil and Gas Investment Lawyers Over Your Resolute/PetroRock Losses?

We represent retail investors and retirees who were unsuitably marketed and sold all kinds of alternative investments. Through our hard work, experience, and dedication, Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas has helped thousands of clients to collectively recoup their losses.



When you work with us, you are retaining our entire securities law firm with more than a century’s worth of combined experience in securities law and the securities industry. Know that you will receive not just quality legal representation but also personalized attention.

Broker-dealers can and should be held liable for selling away, , misrepresentations and omissions, unsuitable investment recommendations, negligence, and more. Call (800) 259-9010 today or contact us online.

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