Articles Tagged with Buckman

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) announced that Buckman, Buckman & Reid, a New Jersey-based brokerage firm, will pay about $205K in restitution to seven clients to settle claims that it did not reasonably supervise two ex-registered representatives accused of recommending “excessive and unsuitable trades.” The self-regulatory authority (SRO) has already barred both former brokers from the industry.

Also dealing with sanctions are Buckman Senior VP and owner Harry John Buckman, Jr., who supervised the two former brokers. Mr. Buckman was suspended for three months, ordered to pay a $20K fine, and must fulfill continuing education hours related to fulfilling supervisory duties.

FINRA said that the brokerage firm and Buckman neglected to identify when one of the ex-representatives was taking part in short-term Unit Investment Trust (UIT) trading on a frequent basis, as well as engaging in “other long-term investments” that charged customers substantial, upfront expenses. As a result, between ’13 to ’14 Buckman customers that were harmed ended up paying about $201K in commissions while sustaining approximately $163K in losses. Meantime, although there were red flags indicating “potentially excessive trading” by this former broker, the firm is accused of not reviewing these warnings.

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