Articles Tagged with New York Elder Financial Abuse Lawyers

Our New York Elder Financial Abuse Lawyers Represent Older Investors and Their Families Who Have Broker Fraud Claims

Elder financial abuse is a crime that involves a perpetrator stealing money or assets from an older person. It is often committed by someone that the victim knows, such as a relative, a close friend, a caretaker, or a trusted professional. At Shepherd Smith Edwards and Kantas ( we represent elderly New York investors and their families who have been the victims of broker misconduct or negligence. In the most egregious instances, this can involve deliberate elder financial exploitation.

Older seniors are one of the most vulnerable groups when it comes to financial abuse. By this point in life, many elderly investors will have accrued a nest egg after years of hard work. This means that they have money for bad brokers to misappropriate. Not only that, but as a person ages, they may develop memory problems or decreased mental function, including Alzheimer’s or dementia, and this can make it easier to take advantage of them.

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